35. Waves & Doubts

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The sandy beach
Filled with love and wishes
With the perfect view to see the sun's gaze
With the sparkling sand between your toes
And the clouds that hover over your head

I wonder when the waves sing and cry
How do they manage to survive a broken heart?
As if the full moon were to never be there

They would change
Would they be like me?

Filled with desire and lust covering there eyes
Yearning for their love

They wouldn't be like me
Because I cried
Harder and louder than the waves

Because I can't move on
Because I can't change

But I desperately yearn for change
I want to let you go
I want to let us go
The image of us
I want to let it all go

But I can't
Because every time I do
I fall into your arms
And stare into your eyes
That were forbidden to the crowd
That were only for me

I don't know what to do
Is it really alright to let you go?
Or will I lose my inspiration to write?

What should I do?
As I play with the waves
And play with the sand around me
I see you in the sun
In the dark night
And in my dreams

But will it be alright to let you go?

The End
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I'm lost

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