4. Dancing With The Moon

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Dancing into the moonlight
Dreaming of the stars hope
Wanting more then just a smile
Hoping the moonlight will glow once more
My love, the moon is still crying for you
The moon wants you to be happy
My love, the moon still loves you so much
He won't let you go all alone in the darkness
If the moon still loves you, wouldn't you go and be the moon's light?
Like the sun that was just like the moon
Won't you leave me for him?
Like you always did
It would be better if you go to him
I'm not like him
I can shine a light for you to see
But I can't help you walk through the darkness
I'm so sorry my love
He will be better than me
Go to him now before it's too late
My love, don't turn back now
And fall in love again and be happy
The moon will always dance with the stars that finally went with him

The End
Moon Dancing

For the one I always called my "moon"
Bye and be happy

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