Chocolate Cupcakes

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Charlotte McGill.

I took out the last batch of triple chocolate cupcakes from the oven and placed them on the counter to cool down. I stole a glance at the clock and almost shrieked in horror- it was already two in the afternoon and I have to be at Watson's farewell party at four. Mose and Rica wanted me to bake them their favorite cupcakes for the last time and I couldn't say no. I hastily started preparing for the frosting when my cell phone started to ring. I groaned and without even looking who it was, I received it.

"Yes?" I said irritatingly.

"Woah - calm down. What happened?" Maria's amused voice greeted me.

I sighed, "Cupcakes happen. I've so much to do and I haven't done half of it. And I have to be at Watson's at four. I'm seriously freaking out." I tried to balance my phone between my ear and shoulder while adding cream cheese to a bowl.

"All right, I'll be at your place in half an hour," Maria said.

"Really? You are the best buddy ever. I'm waiting." I said.

"Of course, I am. All right bye. See you." She chuckled.

"See you," I replied.

Living alone sucks. You have to do everything on your own. You don't have anyone to talk to, no instant shoulder to cry on, no one to make your food when you are sick and my list can go on. I wished I had a family- just like Maria's. They have always treated me like a family, they gave me the love I was seeking but, still, I wish I had my own small crazy family.

The most hurtful thing is that I had a family - I had my parents. They loved me, I was their only child but, their mysterious death left me alone. I was so young when they left or died- I don't know. One morning they left for camping and never came back. The local police never found their body but, they said that their camp looked like it was attacked by a wild animal. They didn't found any blood or remaining on the scene so, they searched for them but after months of searching they gave up and concluded that they might have eaten by an animal. I was devastated, I went into shock- I was even stupid enough to attempt suicide but thankful, Leo saved me. I just couldn't believe that parents were gone, just like that.

I sighed and sniffed to stop tears from falling. I shouldn't be thinking too much about them, it would only make me sadder. So I pushed it in the back of my mind and started whisking the ingredients together and just like that after half an hour I was done with frosting. I placed the frosting in the fridge and waited for them to rest for a few minutes, in the meantime I started separating all the cupcakes from the cupcake paper.

After a few minutes I heard my main door opened and then closed, "Oh God, it smells delicious in here." I heard Maria's soft voice from the lounge.

I smiled, "Yeah? Well, why don't you come in the kitchen and taste one for me." I suggested.

"I'd love to." I heard her amused voice before she entered in my small kitchen.

"How's everything going?" She asked as she picked one of the cupcakes from the tray. "Where's the frosting?" She asked while fetching a butter knife from the drawer.

"In the fridge. And everything is going great but, I have so much to do and the time is limited." I said while separating the last cupcake from the paper.

"Oh. My. God." I heard Maria's voice, I twirled my head to see her stuffing her mouth with the cupcake, "There is a party going on in my mouth. These are so good. I'm having one more." She tried to pick one more cupcake but I slapped her hand before she could grab another.

"Hey! What?!" She complained.

"These are for kids, Maria. I will make you more some other time- I promise." I said.

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