Not Just You

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He ran his hand through his hair, "Ben – he called and told me that someone has been following you. Charlie, it isn't safe to be here. You live alone – what if they get in and hurt you?" he said. "You shouldn't stay here – come with me, please." He added.

I narrowed my eyes and glared at him. My hands squeezed into a fist, "And where would I stay?" I asked him in a deadpan voice.

He gulped and glanced at me, "You can stay with me till everything's under control." He said hesitantly – he knew what was coming.

"Oh no, Marcus – what if I steal something else?" I said sarcastically.

He sighed and dropped his shoulders, "Charlotte, please try to understand – your security matters first. Please, just – just come with me, okay? I will drop you at Silas's place if you want – you can stay with him but, I won't leave you here." he said.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Marcus, please – do me a favor and get out of my apartment. My security is none of your concern. It shouldn't concern you if I live, die, get hurt, or whatever. I mean nothing to you." I said.

He looked at me, "That's not true. You know that." He said lowly.

I sniggered, "Yeah, I know." I replied sarcastically. "I don't want you in my life anymore, Marcus. So, please just go away." I added and waved my hand dismissively.

"Charlotte, you are in such danger because of me. I am the reason why they are after you. Charlotte, you don't know how – how sorry I am." He said glumly. "I don't know whom to believe and whom to not – I am stuck, Charlie. Just – please, come with me." He rubbed his face and downcast his head.

"Yes. Yes, you the reason for everything and that's why I want to stay away from you! You have hurt me enough, Marcus! Don't you get that?" I rebuked. "I – I thought you trusted me. I thought you felt something for me but, God knows how wrong I was. The truth is, Marcus that you can never trust anyone. You can never move on!" My voice wobbled. "You are right. You are stuck – because you are afraid to move on!" I chided. A tear leaked from my eyes – which I urgently wipe away.

Marcus sighed and lifted his head. His eyes flooded with tears. He clenched his jaw and gulped – he was trying to hide his emotions from me and that's what I don't want. I always wanted him to open up to me – to show me his weak side, to be what he is – not what he shows to be but, he doesn't understand or maybe he does but, he doesn't want to show. He puckered his lips and sniggered lightly, "You are right." He nodded. "I – I am afraid to move on. I am a scared man, Charlotte." He said. I have never heard such pain in his voice before. He sniffed and lightly shook his head before clearing his throat, "I – I get it. I won't bug you anymore. Everything that happened was because of me and I am sorry for that. But, just let me do one thing, please?" he asked.

I drew my brows together, "What?" I asked in a whisper.

He blew out a breath, "Just let me assign bodyguards around your apartment. They won't bother you – they will just keep an eye on you – for your safety, please?" he pleaded.

I looked at him for few seconds, "You don't have to do that, Marcus." I said with a half shrug.

"Yes, I do because I won't be able to breathe in peace knowing that you are in danger. I am being selfish here – I am not doing this for you. I am doing this for me." He said. "So, please – let me." He added.

We looked into each other's eyes. His eyes were filled with tears – which he was successfully holding in while mine was about to drip on my cheek. I exhaled loudly and glanced towards the ceiling. I just nodded my head. I couldn't speak – I felt a lump in my throat. My gaze when to his hands that was stilled by his side. It hurt me, even more, to see that he still has his wedding ring in his finger. I was right. He can't move on. He is stuck.

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