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For the next whole week, Marcus ignored me. He didn't talk to me, didn't look at me – he didn't even scold me. I didn't try to talk to him either – honestly, I was scared. What I said last week at the dinner was wrong. I should have kept my observations to myself. Thankfully he didn't chide me but, his ignorance was enough to tell that he wasn't happy with what I said. I thought about apologizing to him but, I couldn't bring myself to do it – especially when I am aware of his anger.

I sighed and brushed my knuckle over Kathie's plump cheeks while she played with her doll, "You are beautiful." I whispered. She lifted her head and grinned causing me to chuckle, "You know, sometimes it is hard to believe that you are Marcus Harrison's daughter." I said to her while she ignored me and played with her toys. "I mean, you are jolly and friendly and jovial while your dad is – hostile and aloof," I added. "Why is he like that, Kathie?" I whispered more to myself.

"I miss Maria," I told Kathie – who was still not paying any attention to me.

Maria went to Chicago to meet his brother and father two days ago and since then I have been feeling very lonely. We would talk through messages and phone calls but, still, I miss her dearly. She will be back in a week till then, I will be alone – all alone.

All of a sudden I felt thirsty, so I glanced at Kathie before standing up and walking towards the kitchen to fetch a bottle of water. I twirl my head to see if Kathie is still playing with her toys – she is a very quick baby. She disappears in a matter of seconds. When I saw her still playing with her doll I sighed in relief and hastily walked in the kitchen and fetched a water bottle from the fridge. I opened the cap of the bottle and gulp in the cold water – eliminating the dryness of my throat.

"Why is Susan alone in the lounge?" I jolted by the sudden voice. The water sprays out of my mouth. I gasped and choked on the water – causing me to cough like a trooper. "What – Miss McGill – are you okay?" Marcus asked. I bent down and placed my palms on my knees while I tried to stop coughing.

All of a sudden I felt Marcus's hand over my back – after a pause of second or two he started rubbing my back, "Charlie, stand straight." He ordered and helped him stand straight by pulling me up by my shoulder. "Take deep breaths. Relax, just take breaths." He instructed while still rubbing my back. I am sure my face must have turned red by now.

After a few seconds I was feeling better – the coughing reduced and soon I stopped coughing, "What are you? Ninja? Why do you have to come so quietly? Seriously stop that." I admonished him in a hoarse voice.

He was speechless for a few seconds. He knitted his brows and looked at me differently, "Uh – I am – I am very sorry, Miss McGill. I didn't mean to startle you." He apologized sincerely, "Are you okay now?" He asked. I only nodded my head and clear my throat to eliminate the uneasy feeling.

I stiffed as I realize that his hand is still resting on my back while I could feel his breath over my ear – he was close – too close, "What – what are you doing home early?" I asked uneasily him as I whip off the water from my mouth.

He didn't answer me, so I twirl my head towards him to see him staring at me. As soon as our eyes meet he jerked his hand away from me while taking two steps back, "Uh – I – we – we are going out on lunch. Uh – Cassandra and I, my colleague, and we are taking Susan with us. So, um – you can go home early today." He said uncomfortably.

My heart sunk as I heard him. I swallow uncomfortably and shift my gaze away from him – I didn't like what I heard – not even a single bit. I felt unsettled. I don't know why I am feeling like this, but the concept of Marcus, Kathryn, and Cassandra together bothers me to another level.

"Oh." I said, "Uh – okay, I will go. I will go after cleaning the water off the floor before someone slips over it." I add and moved to get a mop.

Marcus Harrison's ParadiseWhere stories live. Discover now