Don't Go

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If this is a nightmare – then please, wake me up. My heart was beating so loud that I could myself hear it out. I was so scared that I could feel my fingers getting numbed. Silas glared at Ben as he clenched his jaws. He fisted his hand and pressed his lips tightly. I was looking at Silas – I was pleading him to save me because there was no one else in the room that I could trust but, Silas wasn't looking at me – he was busy glaring at his cousin who was chuckling. I glanced to see Diego's men pointing their guns at Silas's men. It was chaos.

"What happened, Silas? Are you shocked? Feeling betrayed?" Ben asked – his warm breath hit my cheek. "Now you know how I and Joe felt when we didn't get what we deserved. When your father didn't even try to save his brother from jail." He gritted out. His hold tightened around my neck – causing me to feel lightheaded. I gasped as it was getting hard to breath.

Joe chuckled and shook his head, "Glad you are okay, brother. Hope I didn't hurt you much." Joe said as he walked around and stood beside Ben and me.

Ben twirled his head to look at his brother, "No, you didn't Joe. It all went just as we planned." Ben told his brother. I could feel Ben smirking throughout the talk. Ben loosened his grip a little for me to breathe better.

Plan? It was Ben's plan to get shot. Everything that happened at Silas's place the other day was planned by him. How cruel can he be? How could he drag a child in such a mess?

"Well Silas, it is a pity really – that your own family betrayed you," Diego commented with a smirk on his face – he was enjoying it all. My lower lip wobbled as I was trying very hard to hold my tears. Diego looked at me and chuckled, "Oh don't cry, Charlie." He said causing me to stiff, "It will only take one bullet through your head – it won't even hurt. Am I right, Gibson?" he asked my father. His words were like a knife into my guts. My legs were shaking – his words send chills down my spine. I averted my eyes to look at my father. He was staring right into my eyes.

His lips lifted from the corner, "Yes." He said. I was disgusted to even think of this man – whom I called dad. He promised yet, here he is – watching me like I don't matter to him. Maybe I don't – maybe I never did.

Diego laughed and looked back at me, "Oh poor Marcus, he will be heartbroken when he'll know that I killed you." He chuckled. A tear fell from my eye – I never felt more helpless in my life. Diego looked up at the ceiling and sighed, "Ah – I remember how he came to me. How he begged me not to hurt you. How he surrendered. And you know what darling? When I told him if he'll leave the States, leave the CEO's position of the company and take the blame in front of everyone that he was the one who commits fraud by stealing money from the company and by selling Samson's documents to someone else and in return, I will spare your life – the stupid man agreed." He laughed.

My world came crashing down. I gasped, "What?" I whispered to myself.

I can't. Marcus's words rang in my head. I gulped as I felt a lump in my throat – he is leaving, leaving his position as the CEO of the company and turning himself as a fraudster – even he didn't do anything wrong – just to save me.

"Oh how much I wish Marcus was here to see this. So, that he could know how I felt when my son died." Diego snarled.

"He committed suicide!" Silas yelled out in anger.

Diego stood up from the couch, "And who made him kill himself?! Marcus Harrison did! If he wouldn't have turned him in – my son would have been alive!" Diego's voice boomed. I flinched at the loud voice.

Silas clinched his fist and stepped towards Diego but, Joe stopped him by holding his gun against his head. Silas halted in his way and glanced at Joe before looking back at Diego, "Your son was a criminal and so are you!" Silas said. The tension in the room was rising minute after minute. Silas's men and Diego's men were pointing guns at each other.

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