The Only Friend And Family

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Two painful days went by. Two days since I got accused of stealing from Marcus, two days since I last saw Marcus and Kathie – two days since my soul got crushed. I can't describe the feeling I have – I don't know how I feel anymore. I just wish to go away from everyone – I just wish to be where life wasn't as hard and confusing. I just want to start over.

That dreadful day I walked back to my apartment – no matter how much Silas offered to drop me home but, I didn't agree. I walked for more than an hour but, it felt nothing. The numbness and ache in my feet felt nothing compared to the pang in my heart. I cried all the way home – some people stopped to ask if I was okay but, I just walked past them. My feet didn't stop moving till I reached my apartment. It all feels like a nightmare – the nightmare that I have been trying to wake up from for the past two days. Maria came the next morning – Silas told her everything – she kept calling and texting me and knocking on my door but, I didn't open. I wanted to be alone – all alone. She came by two to three times a day but, went back when I didn't open the door for her. I just texted her and told her that I was okay and that I needed to be alone but, she is stubborn – she doesn't listen.

Right now, she is again standing behind the closed door of my apartment – knocking the door again and again while I sat on my bed and stared into nothing. "I won't leave, Charlotte. I will not leave until you will let me in. I don't care how long it will take you to open this door but, I will not be leaving. Do you hear me?" she yelled from behind the door. I sighed and lay on the bed on my back while staring at the plain white ceiling.

I don't know for how long I stayed in the same position but, I was snapped out from my painful thoughts when I heard another loud knock on the door, "I am still here, Charlie. Please – please just open the door, Charlie. I am worried about you – please." She pleaded.

"Just go away!" I yelled out and started to cry – again. I have been trying so hard to keep my tears in but, I fail each time.

"No, I won't," she yelled back.

I closed my eyes tightly and groaned before standing up on my feet. I couldn't do this to her. She is the only person that cares. I hastily walked towards the front door and jerk it open to see Maria standing with the help of her crutches with tears filled in her eyes. MY twist my mouth and wordlessly shook my head as tears flow out of my eyes, "I didn't do it." I whispered. "I didn't do it, Maria," I added. I walked backward back in the house while she walked in.

She sniffed and nodded her head, "I know." She said almost inaudibly.

I let out a sob and embraced her in a tight hug. She backed a little by the force but, balanced herself before putting her hand on my back, "I know you didn't do it, Charlie. I don't care if nobody believes you – I will always believe you, no matter what." Her soothing words made me cry even more. I don't know how long I kept hugging her while I cried on her shoulder and she mumbled soothing words in my ears.

"I don't know what happened, Maria," I said to her after a long period of silence. We both were lying on my bed while staring at the ceiling quietly. After crying for so long – my tears finally dried out. I wanted to cry but, there weren't any tears left to be shed. "I don't know how it all happened. I didn't even realize that I was being played." I added.

Maria sighed and twirled her head to look at me, "Tell me what happened?" she asked.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a brief moment before reopening them and twirling my head to face her, "The day after went to the fair with Joe – he called me and told me that he has forgotten the file he has to take to the meeting and that he is getting late. He asked if I could get the file from Marcus's office and give it to him because he doesn't have time to come up. Just then Marcus as well texted me and told me to give the file from his office to Joe. Believe me, Maria – I would have never gone to his office without his permission. I just did what he said." I continued as I sat on the bed. "I swear he texted me and told me to give the file away but, Marcus refused – he said that he didn't text me. And Joe – he also refused and said that he never asked for the file." I added.

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