Welcome Party

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Marcus opened the door of the guest room and pushed it open with his shoulder. He put me on the bed carefully – nevertheless, I hissed as I felt my knee aching. I mashed my lips together and tried to move my leg while holding it with both of my hands.

Marcus stepped back and shoved his hands in his pockets, "I'll get you an ice pack – it will ease the pain." He said. I looked at him and nodded my head – an ice pack would be great. He starched his nose, "Uh – I maybe have a painkiller spray at the gym – I will also get that for you." He informed me.

I nodded my head, "Thank you, Marcus." I said.

"It's okay. I will be right back – till then, try not to move much." He instructed and walked out of the room.

After ten to fifteen minutes he walked back in the room with an ice-pack and spray in his hand. He glanced at me before closing the door behind him. He walked nearer to me and handed me the ice-pack. "Thank you," I said slowly as I took the ice-pack from his hand. I looked down at my jeans covered knee and bit my lip. I glanced at him – he was standing beside while his gaze was fixed on my knee as well. I was wearing jeans and ice-pack work more effectively on the bare skin. I had to take my jeans off. I am not comfortable taking my clothes off in front of him and I am sure he doesn't want that either.

He cleared his throat, "I – I will send Penny to help you with that." He said and I nodded my head. He once again walked out of the room while closing the door behind him. I sighed and leaned back while I waited for Penny to come in.

Penny walked into the room after a few minutes with the same spray bottle in her hand that Marcus brought earlier. She smiled, "Does it hurt a lot, dear?" she asked.

I passed her a smile, "It is bearable." I replied.

Penny helped me take my jeans off – it was a little painful as it hurt even to move my knee. After my jeans were off – I put the ice-pack over my affected knee. A shiver went down my spine as the coolness touch my warm body – it was uncomfortable for a few seconds before I got used to it.

I sat on the bed with my legs stretch out while an ice-pack rested over my knee for about half an hour – I was feeling much better – it didn't hurt much anymore but, the ache was still there. Penny put the blanket over my lower body as I started to feel cold. All this time she was with me – we talked about her family and her grandchild. As she would talk – my eyes would go towards the closed door – waiting for him to walk in but, to my disappointment – he didn't.

"Marcus asked me to spray this over your knee after half an hour – it will numb the pain, he said." She told me while taking the spray's cap off. She took the blanket from me while shaking the bottle well.

I took the ice-pack off and exposed my now bruised knee to Penny. She sprayed over the knee. The spray felt colder than I expected. Just within a few seconds, I felt the pain fading away. "Wow, the pain is almost gone," I said amazedly.

Penny looked at me and smile, "Yes, he said that it will be effective." She said and put the blanket back over my lower body. I moved my knee a little – the pain was almost gone. My knee was now just aching a bit but, it was bearable. Just as I was about to say something – someone knocked on the door and the door opened – revealing Marcus with Kathie in his arm.

"Char!" she yelled and laughed causing me to laugh along with her.

I waved my hand, "Hi Kathie." I said. I glanced to see Marcus smiling while looking at his daughter. I bit lower lip – he looks even better when he smiles.

"Char!" she once again called my name and tried to get off her father's arm. Marcus chuckled and kneed down on the floor while putting his daughter down. Kathie didn't even wait for a second – as soon as she got out her father's arm – she ran towards me and tried to get on the bed. She looked towards her father whined when she couldn't get up. Marcus chuckled and walked nearer to us – he grabbed his daughter and put her beside me on the daughter. Kathie being a hyper child jumped over me as soon as her father let her out. I hissed as her body collided with my injured knee.

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