Does The Offer Still Stand?

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Charlotte McGill.

Marcus gave me a ride home that night. The whole time when we were on road, he didn't say or even glance at me- it was like I wasn't seated beside him. His texture was clam but, stiff - like always, on the other hand, I was very- nervous, to say the least. I spent all the time looking out of the car- counting trees and cars passing by, I didn't dare to look at or say anything to him- I'm just like that whenever the Harrison's are involved. The atmosphere was very uncomfortable for me. He just once asked me 'where to?' and after that, I directed him towards my apartment without him asking any further. After what felt like an hour the car stop in front of my apartment. I sighed and twirled my head to see Marcus staring the old rusty building where I live, it isn't very bad in condition for me but, in the eye of rich people like Marcus - it must be the last place they would like to be. His eyes followed every detail of the building, almost judging it. I ignored him, he's a rich guy and it is in his nature to judge places like this, right?

I exhale audibly and created some noise while unfastening the seatbelt to gather his attention, but I failed. I sighed, I couldn't just leave without thanking him so, I cleared my throat. He finally twirls his head to look at me, he blinked slowly and kept staring my face. "I- um... Thank you so much for the ride, Mr. Harrison." I stated and smiled. I was truly grateful to him.

After a short pause, he nodded his head, "It was nothing, Ms. McGill." His lips slightly tugged, which looked forced.

"Uh- please call me Charlotte or Charlie. Um- I prefer Charlie." I asked him lightly while tugging the string of hair behind my ear. When he didn't reply, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment- I cleared my throat and mumbled a small thank you for stepping out of the car.

The wind was chilly, indicating the arrival of winter. I sighed and hugged myself before rushing towards the entrance of my apartment. I twirled one last time to see if he was still there, and I was surprised to see that he wasn't gone yet. He was looking straight ahead, looking at the empty dark street, his hands clenching around the stirring. I stood still and kept staring at him, my mind was scolding me to stop staring like a freak and my body was shivering due to the cold wind gushing through my body. I wanted to move but, I couldn't. Instead, I kept looking at him, searching for his eyes that weren't on me.

After a second or two, he slowly twirled his head to look at me. As his eyes met mine, I felt goosebumps rising all over my body. It was just a regular gaze- no intensity, no emotions in it but, still it was enough for me to be affected by it. I blinked twice before breaking eye contact with him and turning around before hastily rushing inside the building. I didn't look back at him but, forced myself to quickly reach my apartment. As I reached the door, I hurriedly dug my hand inside of my bag to grab the keys. "Come on, where are you?" I mumbled to myself when I couldn't find them.

I groaned and started looking for the keys more aggressively, "Aha!" I exclaimed and felt keys jingle against my hand. I quickly unlocked the door and rushed inside before, closing the door loudly behind me. My neighbors going to be pissed but, I don't care.

I dropped my bag on the floor and hastily walked towards the window, providing me the view of the quiet street. I felt disappointment rushed in me when I see the street empty, with no sign of Marcus or his car in sight. Realization struck me hard, I showed all the impatience to reach home just to see Marcus again? No, that can't be. I wanted to reach home soon because it's very late and night and I was scared. Yes. That was it.

Liar, the first word that came to my mind was a liar. I groaned I don't want to think about it anymore. I was already very tired that I wasn't thinking straight. Maybe some sleep will do me better.

Saturday came up fast. Joseph called me yesterday to confirm today's dinner plan and I said yes. And then I did a mistake- a big, huge mistake. I told Maria about it. And since yesterday she's planning everything. What I'm going to wear, how I'm going to do my hair, how my makeup should be. I wasn't very nervous about it at first but, now after hearing Maria, I'm freaking out literally.

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