•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷•

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I flutter my eyes open as the sun shines through my window, hitting my face. I raise my hand to block the sunlight and sit up from my bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I blink a few times. What day is it? I don't remember anymore. I snatch my alarm clock, looking at it long and hard.

𝟽:𝟺𝟽 𝚊.𝚖.

I stare at the clock. Pffft it cannot be 7:47, Naruto would have woken me up if...OH MY GOD THAT KNUCKLEHEAD!


Naruto runs into the room with his pajamas still on. The moment I hold up the clock to his face, the color of his skin seems to drain. He knew he messed up.

"O-oh my, it is that late? I uh...never noticed, hehehe." He starts giggling nervously. I close my eyes, my eyebrow twitching slightly at his idiotic comment. I kick him out of my room demanding him to get ready as fast as he can. I run over taking my clothes and brush, continuing to the bathroom. I enter the bathroom as I pull my shirt on. Without paying attention I trip over a towel and fall face first into the ground with a 'thud'.

"H-Hey Y/N! You ok?" Naruto yells from outside my bathroom door.

"Yea I am fine! Hurry up and get ready!" I respond as I finally put my sandals on. I quickly brush the knots from my hair. My hair reached mid way to my back. It wasn't too long but not too short and I liked it that way. I rush out of the bathroom, hitting Naruto in the face with my door. I look back frantically rushing over to see if he's ok.

"Im fiiine" He slurs giving me a thumbs up and smiling. I giggle, shaking my head as I stand back up picking up my bag of supplies. Grabbing Naruto's arm, I rush us to the kitchen grabbing left over rice and ramen before running through the door. We run eating our breakfast on the way to the academy. Tomorrow was our final exam and I can't be late today since today was preparation day. I threw my box into the trash before entering the building, Naruto not far behind me.

"IM HERE!" I yell budging through the door. All the students turn their heads to look at me and Naruto as we put our hands to our knees, breathing heavily.


I look to my left and see Hinata. Me and Hinata both became friends when we were younger since her father approved of me, however he didn't like Naruto. I smiled and waved at her and went over to sit next to her. Naruto followed as well but sat across the room to our left. He smiled wide at me, making me giggle.

'He is so enthusiastic it is scary' I thought to myself.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as two girls came rushing into the room, pushing eachother. Ugh, it was Sakura and Ino. It isn't that I hate them because they are pretty cool to hang around...when they aren't gawking over a boy. The girls ran up to try and sit next to someone but kept fighting on who should sit next to him. I look over and him and found him sitting quietly with his eyes closed. He seemed just as annoyed as you were. I mean who wouldn't be at this point? It has been like this the whole year.

"Why does Sasuke get all the attention." Naruto said while glaring over at him. I look back over at Sasuke to find him now staring back at Naruto. Naruto ran up to his table and they start a staring contest. I decide to get out of my seat to try to resolve the issue before it gets out of hand. I get in between the two boys, sitting behind Naruto and in front of Sasuke. He looks up at me curiously and I look back at him. I tell Naruto to stop being so rude and then I look back at Sasuke.

"Ok listen you both need to just calm down. You both look ridiculous do-"

Just then A boy sat down, pushing Naruto forward causing him to push me forward. Sasuke doesn't have time to react and both of our eyes were wide.

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now