•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟹•

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Previously on (•Uchiha•) ...


"You would do that?" I laugh at his question.

"Of course I would! I think it would fun, don't you?" Sasuke just smirked as we continued to walk down the narrow pathway. As I was admiring the birds a hand had stopped me from moving. My E/C eyes trace the arm until it met with onyx colored ones.

"What's wrong Sasuke?"

He let go of my hand, making it sluggishly fall back at my side.

"Something isn't right Y/N..lets go find Naruto." 


Sasuke jumps on to a tree branch and heads out making me almost trip on myself as I try to keep up with him. I tried to ask him what was wrong but he ignored me and kept jumping. He stops so I jump and stop next to him, looking down at the scene before us. There were these three unfamiliar ninjas who seemed to be bothering Naruto and Sakura. I could also see Konohamaru and his friends but a ninja with purple markings had grabbed Konohamaru by the collar and was practically spitting on his face. The nerve that guy has to do that to a kid...

"Ugh those people.." I grit my teeth and Sasuke notices. He grabs two stones and passes one to me. I grab it and look at him as he gives me a nod, turning back his head to face the boy. I smirk and we both raise our hands that each rock is in and aim right for the head. 

We throw the rock and it hits bullseye on the guys head causing him to let go of Konohamaru and look our direction in anger. Sasuke sits down while fiddling with another small stone and I sit on the edge, my feet dangling and my smile wide with mischief. 

"You are a  long way from home and you are way out of your league.." I giggle at Sasuke's comment and follow afterwards.

"Yes, picking on a little kid? You must be that weak huh?"

I hear as Sakura screams and cheers for...Sasuke. I-..I am here too you know. The three little ones though cheer for both of us causing me to blush from embarrassment. I see how annoyed Naruto is at Sasuke but smiles as he turns his head to me which makes me smile and wave his direction. Sasuke however, keeps a straight and unamused face. The guy in purple paint gets irritated and takes the wrapped thing from his back and slams in of the ground. What is he doing? I see as blue strings start to form towards the object but before he finishes someone interrupts our little 'chat.'

"Kankuro...back off."

Both me and Sasuke freeze and look to the side of the tree to see a boy standing upside down on a branch. He had red hair and blue eyes and he had this huge bottle thing attached to his back. On one side of his eyes there seemed to be a mark but I couldn't understand it. I tried to look for his eyebrows too but soon realized...he didn't have any...Oook then.

"You're an embarrassment to our village."

Everyone seemed to gasp at his comment. Jeez, why does he have to say something like that? And to his own team mate too. Even the girl with blonde hair seemed surprised by her friends outburst...

"Oh hey, G-Gaara.." Kankuro says nervously and puts the wrapped object back on his back. I sit still, looking at the mysterious red head as I think of how he could have appeared without me or Sasuke noticing his presence. So he seems to be the leader of the three...Not a bad looking kid to be honest.

The red head shifts a little before speaking again.

"Have you forgotten the reason we came all the way over here?" Both of his team mates laugh nervously and Kankuro rubs the back of his head.

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now