•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟺•

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Previously on (•Uchiha•) ...


I look behind me as I run, not paying attention to what is in front of me. I bump into someone...again.

"Ugh again? I am so sorry sir I just can't seem to pa-"

"Y/N? There you are." I look up and face a ravened hair boy.



"Wait..are you the real Y/N?" I tilted my head at him in confusion. The real me? What does he mean by that?

"What do you mean the real Y/N? That doesn't matter anyways...how was your day with Sakura.." I say and close my eyes, huffing out. Sasuke blinked a couple times before asking me what I meant. I opened one eye and look his direction to see how genuinely confused he looked. I dropped my arms to my side and told him what happened. He nodded his head every once in a while to indicate he was listening to me. After I finish talking he stared at me and a slight blush makes its way to the corners of his ears and cheeks.

"So you saw me, but that wasn't the real me?" I ask and Sasuke nods his head slowly. That must mean we were both tricked into separating from each other. I wonder what my fake me did to make Sasuke look so uncomfortable...

"What happened when you were with 'me.'" I say as I put 'me' in quotation marks. Sasuke seemed startled by my question and found it hard to make an answer. I gawked at how anxious he seemed as he tried to explain what had happened.

"I uhh. Hn. Let's just say you were very...touchy" I gave Sasuke a blank expression but before I could realize it myself, thoughts popped into my head. NO! Y/N DON'T THINK SUCH DIRTY THINGS!!! AHHH!

"W-what do y-you m-m-mean by t-touchy, S-Sasu-ke.." I managed to squeak out the his name which made him blush harder. He threw his head to the side and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"N-Not like that you dobe! You were just trying to hold my hand and my arm in public...like a fangirl would..that's all!" I calm down and sigh, feeling relieved and satisfied with his answer. I feel my tomato red face disperse back into my normal S/C colored skin. I look up to see Sasuke still mad flustered, probably thoughts making its way to his head from what you thought. Gah! What is wrong with me! Why would I suggest that!? AND TO HIM!?

"Look..let's just go our separate ways home, it is getting late." Sasuke nods once at my suggestion and quickly turns away from me, walking his way home.

"ok well...GOODNIGHT SASUKE!! jeez." I whisper the last part under my breath but the only response I get from him is a hand swish towards my direction before they retreated back into his right pant pocket. Better than no response I guess. I turn my way to get to mine and Naruto's apartment and enter in. I take off my shoes and walk into the living room. A blonde boy pops his head over the couch and jumps over it, embracing me in a welcome hug.

"Gah! There you are Y/N! What took you so long? One of Konohamaru's friends got captured by some guy and I rescued her! It was amazing!" I giggle at his enthusiasm and nod to him before going into the kitchen. Naruto jumps up and down asking me if I could heat up some ramen for the both of us to eat while we talk about our day.

"How about I try to make homemade ramen? I think it would be good to try that out." Naruto blinks a couple times before a wide and whole heart smile appears on his adorable face.

"I think that is a great idea Y/N!!! Homemade ramen sounds delicious!!" I laugh again and begin to make my ramen. 

I made sure to buy some pork on the way home since I know how much Naruto loves his pork ramen dish. I managed to get all of the rest of the ingredients I needed the day before since I have wanted to try to cook ramen for a while. I also visited Ichiraku's ramen place for some great tips, which they provided me so generously. I grabbed a nice, unused pot from the side of the wall and place it on the stove. 

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now