•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟺•

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-I wanted to add this video on my shippuden series when I started it but I couldn't help but put it on so-

Previously on (•Uchiha•) ...


I slowly nod my head as Sasuke calls out to Sakura that we were chasing after them to which she tilts her head asking why we should run out in the rain. Sasuke ignores her concerns and grabs my hand leaving without hesitation in leaving the poor pink blossomed girl.

"H-hey! Sasuke! Y/N! Wait for me!!"


Sasuke, Sakura, and I continue to jog up the stairs stopping every once in a while to catch our breaths. I sigh after our fifth stop and lazily begin to run again, trying to catch up with Sasuke and surprisingly Sakura as well. Maybe her being with Sasuke is giving her adrenaline or something...

"Y/N, hurry we are almost there."

"Yes, yes, yes, Sasuke I know! I just- oooof I'm just a little tired that's all."

I watch Sasuke freeze and give out a frustrated yet tired sigh yet it was more directed at himself rather than me. Sasuke's feet were fighting for a few second about if they should turn towards me or to keep going forward but in the end, his feet attracted my direction. I watch as the Uchiha shyly shifts towards me and then turns around holding his hands out behind him. I tilt my head in confusion and in anxiety.

"Well...hurry up and get on before I change my mind..."

"Sasuke I-," I stop midway and sigh, putting my hands on his shoulders and using what was left of my strength in my feet, I jump up and on to Sasuke's back. I feel his hands grip the underneath of my thighs to hold on to and we continue to walk up the stairs as if someone like Sasuke didn't just offer to carry a girl willingly. From the corner of my eye I could see how bummed out and uncomfortable Sakura was about the situation which made me feel more weird about it but not even 12 seconds later I felt my eyes begin to get heavy.

I never realized how warm Sasuke's back was and how soft his shirt is, it made me feel as if I was in my own bed. I yawn and lay my head down on the Uchiha's shoulder, making him twitch at my action before continuing to walk.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. (𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙)・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"You three go on ahead I'm just going to sit here for a little bit but I'll SPRINT to you guys IF I have to." I state before practically flopping my butt on the hard stone chair. I quickly wince at the pain as the stone hit my tail bone instantly making me regret letting my body go. Sasuke hesitates before asking if I was sure I was going to be ok alone. I swipe his hands away from my body like a five year old and sigh.

"YESSSSS...I'll be ok, I promise."

Sasuke huffs out before giving me a small nod and then running away alongside Sakura and Naruto. As I watch those three run away side by side I can't help but think to myself...what if it was just those three in a team? What would happen? I bet Kakashi Sensei wouldn't be able to survive without my expertise in keeping the team focused. I laugh to myself and then groan from the slight pain in my lower back from earlier.

I don't even get to rest for 2 minutes before I hear someone yelling Sasuke's name. That high pitched voice can be deciphered as easy as it is for me to eat ramen with Naruto.


I get up as quickly as I can and start running in the direction they left, but not before spotting a rope and grabbing it just in case. What? This rope might come in handy...

I continue to sprint through the woods, occasionally dodging some branches and climbing over a fallen tree because I was too lazy to run around it. My eyes widen as I see the scene unfold in front of me. The stranger before had this staff that seemed to be electrocuting Sasuke. I ran past Idate, and then Naruto making him call out for me to stay back. Then I pass Sakura just as the stranger throws Sasuke towards the bridge in front of us.

"Y/N!? Wait Y/N come back!!" I ignore Sakura but instead call her name to follow me and based on the quick grass moving behind me, she was already chasing after me and Sasuke. I then take the rope from my side in a panic as the bridge collapsed, taking my Uc- I mean, Sasuke with it. I do the only and obviously rational thing to do...I jump.

I feel my body hitting the air as I manage to grab his hand and then I turn around and throw up to rope with force that had a kunai tied to the end of it, this made it easier to throw long distance.


The rope around my waist tightens indicating that the blossomed girl had followed my order, thankfully. I spread out my legs forward as my body starts to edge nearer to the wall. I take note that I didn't want Sasuke to have a concussion so I quickly pull him by his hand and cover his precious head and black locks. I feel my feet hit the sides of the cliff and let out a sigh of content.

"Ok Sakura! Try to pull us up!"

I sat there waiting to be dreadfully lifted up but to my surprise, I felt as if I was being ascended...ascended by the first four Hokage to the clouds kind of ascend. I couldn't believe the strength that girl has! And she doesn't bother to use or show it off!? What in the 7 shades of hell is this?

My mind keeps questioning its existence as Sasuke and I's bodies are practically thrown and tossed out into a nearby forestry where a tree trunk smashed its love and attention on to my backside. The wind was knocked out of me and my body was then hit from the front by Sasuke'a back making me cry out from enclosed space.

I feel my eyelids start to close from exhaustion and my limbs start to ease up for better comfort and like that, I was knocked out and snoozing the day away leaving Naruto and Sakura to deal with now not only Sasuke but me as well.

Hopefully Sasuke is ok.


- I know this chapter is pretty short but I bet you all wanna get through this filler and get into the JuIcY stuff yah? Well here it is! The end of the filler episode and the end of Idate (He was so rude and annoying ;-;) Anyways love you guys, he...

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- I know this chapter is pretty short but I bet you all wanna get through this filler and get into the JuIcY stuff yah? Well here it is! The end of the filler episode and the end of Idate (He was so rude and annoying ;-;) Anyways love you guys, here's some McDonald's :3

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now