•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶•

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Previously on (•Uchiha•) ...


"What's your name?" The girl froze and then relaxed, pushing the glasses from falling up to her eyes. When I could see her face clearly it surprised me. She had bright red eyes but she didn't possess the Sharingan. Her red hair was messy and short but it fit her for some reason.

"K-karin...what about you?" I smile and stand up, lending my hand out to help Karin as well.

"My name? It's Y/N!"


Karin blushes and nods her head, taking out her scroll and staring at it. Maybe I shouldn't take it from her, that would be messed up if I am taking advantage of her like this.

"You need this scroll don't you..." I stare and think of Karin's accusation thoroughly and decide to tell her the truth. I told her that it was true that we did need the scroll but that you'd leave to get a different one. I get up to leave but I feel a tug on my shirt, this causes Juho and Kiyoshi to jump out for hiding and get in defensive mode against Karin. 

Karin squeaks and hides behind my shirt saying she was sorry for whatever she did. I laughed and told her she didn't do anything and tell the boys to 'keep it in their pants'.

"That's not funny Y/N..." Kiyoshi states, Juho nodding in agreement. I roll my eyes but before I leave but before I disappear, Karin ran in front of me.

"H-here..take it" I stare at the scroll in front of me and slowing take it from her pale hands. I furrow my eyebrows and watch Karin as she walks away embarrassed. I catch up to her and stop her in her path.

"Why would you give me this?" She blinks a few times and blushes lightly at my question.

"Well, my other team mates have failed and I won't be able to get the heaven scroll on my own so I think you should have it...I will just try again next year!" I smile at her generosity and embrace her in a warm and thankful hug to which she happily accepts, hugging me back.

"Hopefully we will see each other again in the future." Karin smiles nervously and nods.

"M-me too."

I ruffle the top of her head and say my thanks again before jumping out of sight. Welp, that was nice of her, definitely need to see her again at some point during these exams. Me, Juho, and Kiyoshi continue to make our way through the dark oak trees. Every now and then we would stop for a quick water break and then continue. I was starting to really like these two, they were not only nice but funny and knew how to crack jokes.

"Hey guys! I think we are close!" I yell behind me and continue to run, when I get no response I repeat myself.

...huh weird. I look behind me to see only trees, no people. I am all alone! I look in my bag at the scrolls and sigh, maybe I will meet them at the end. I jump from branch to branch thinking on how I was going to somehow meet up with my team again but yelling from the distance distracts me. It sounded like Sakura, making me very intrigued. 

I change course and run towards the sound, stopping at the end of a tree branch and look down at the scene. There was an older woman standing in front of both Sakura and Sasuke. I watch as the woman gets closer and closer to the two and as I get more anxious I decide to make my move.

"GET AWAY YOU OLD HAG!" I yell and swoosh past the woman, scratching her cheek with my O Tanto and landing in front of the two and holding my weapon in front of me. I can hear Sakura and Sasuke ask me questions but I wasn't listening to them, too focused on the enemy in front of me.

"Oh my, look who we have here. Y/N."

"How do you know my name!!" I sneer out, making sue not to break eye contact with her. I back away until I stand between Sakura and Sasuke. I turn to my left, looking straight at the Uchiha and smile. He doesn't react but just stare at me like he was surprised I even showed up in the first place. The strange woman began to laugh at us and stick her long tongue out to lick her lips.

"You would love to get your hands on my earth scroll wouldn't you Sasuke? It would go perfectly with your heaven scroll." The woman giggle and brings the scroll her, mouth opening wide and wrapping her long tongue around the object. I stare horrified as the woman pushes the scroll down her mouth, swallowing the whole thing without failure. I cringe at the sight but then I look at her eyes and I feel as if I am stuck.

"Well when we are done. One of us will have both scroll while the other one is DEAD"

I feel as if my lungs are being pulled from my body, and crushed in front of me. I lose the will to breath as I feel an excruciating pain between my eyes. I look up as I see the end of the kunai that is still exposed out of my skull, blood dripping down my cheeks. I turn my head and Sasuke looks horrified at my state but then everything disappears but the pain still lingers. I feel an abrupt scream escape my lips and I fall to the ground, puking up the food I have had in my stomach before the exams started. I could see chunks of my dobe left on the ground, the sight of it making me feel more sick.

I hear Sasuke fall and puke too as Sakura sobs to my right meaning they saw exactly what I saw too. I can't move...My body is too scared to move, it was like I was actually dead.

"Now it is time to finish this.." The woman states, taking out four kunai's and aiming them at us. Come on Y/N! MOVE! MOVE, DAMMIT, MOVE!

The woman throws the kunai at my head and I watch as it came closer to my face but before it hits me, someone grabs my waist, taking me and Sakura into a safer place. We land farther away on a branch and sit down.

"Thank you, Sasuke." I wanted to smile but before the thought could even cross my mind, I saw the gash inside of Sasuke's leg. I prop up on my knees and rush over to him, putting my hand to inspect the injury.

"Sasuke! Your knee..are you ok?" Sasuke nods and tells me to stay where I was. With that wound of his? No way I will! 

I take out my O Tanto and rip a piece of cloth off the bottom of my shirt and wrap it around his leg to stop the bleeding. He looks down at me and takes his hand in mine, squeezing it for a second then lets go. He sits Sakura's unconscious body on the side of the tree and leaps to face the woman. I manage to stand up and I look over at Sakura.

"I'm sorry Sakura, but I have to help." I jump and follow where Sasuke had left and run into him fighting off the woman. He managed to push her into a tree using his Sharingan so I took it as an opportunity to jump down next to him. Without turning his head to face me, he spoke.

"Why are you here I thought I told you stay back." I puff out at him but my attention diverts to the woman as she laughs maniacally.

"Mmmm yes, both of you are here. Now let me introduce myself properly Y/N." The woman's neck suddenly expands and on instinct I jump back before she can manage to touch me. I run quickly to the other side hoping that I had time to weave up a jutsu. 

'Time for my water clone jutsu'  I thought and turned around to face the lady's snake head.

However, when I turned around I realized that she wasn't behind me anymore. I forgot that she didn't only intend to just come after me...but Sasuke too. I watch as the woman continues to stretch her neck at Sasuke and I freeze in place. So many thoughts race through my mind with different solutions to get him out of the way but nothing reasonable came up, except for one. I felt like I had no other choice. I had to use it but it was only to protect him....

I feel my heart beat faster as I close my eyes and feel tears run down my soft yet chapped cheeks. I take a deep breath and focus on my target. Please don't hate me Sasuke.



𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚢𝚢𝚢, 𝚜𝚘 𝚢𝚎, 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢!

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now