•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼•

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Previously on (•Uchiha•)...


"Hn. Well I want to so deal with it." I smile and thank him from which I get a nod in response. We continue our way until we reach a boat. We hurry on and continue our way. I couldn't help but steal glances at Sasuke every now and again. I smile to myself thinking back to when he has helped me. I use to think he was such a nuisance but now...He seems pretty cool to be around.

'Thanks, Sasuke." I say to myself, smiling again.


We finally reach the the village and get off the boat. Sasuke sticks out his hand to help me up since my wound from before still hurt. I gladly accept his hand and thank him but he just looks away from me and continues walking ahead, sticking his hands in his pockets. As we continue walking through the town and into the forest, Naruto stops and pretends as if there is someone following us. I shake my head and hang my head low in disappointment.

"Naruto! Stop trying to act cool!" Sakura yells, raising her fist at her face. Kakashi agreed telling Naruto to not randomly throw shurikens since it could be dangerous. Sasuke huffs and the old man calls him an idiot. I narrow my eyes.

'Someone is here...no doubt about it.'

"Hah! There!" Naruto yells throwing another shuriken towards a tree trunk. Sakura goes to hit hid head but stops as she takes a glance at my expression, putting her hand back to her side. We all go to see what Naruto got and it had been a white rabbit. Naruto gasps and runs to comfort and apologize to the poor rodent. I take another look at the bunny and find it strange that it is white since their fur only turns white in the winter.

"Get down!" Kakashi says ducking down. We follow in pursuit and I duck right as a sword had swayed above my head. Both mine and Sasuke's eyes grow wide seeing how close the sword was to going throw my head. The sword ended up slicing into a tree and a man had jumped and stood on the handle. We all get back up and get into a fighting stance. The man introduced himself as Zabuza.

"Hmmm...so this is the famous Kakashi of the Sharingan.." All four of us turn our heads towards Kakashi Sensei. I didn't have to look at Sasuke to tell that he was just as suprised as we were if not, he was even more shocked.

'I thought Sasuke was the only Uchiha left in the clan.' I thought as I waited for Kakashi to lift his bandana away from his other eye. We sat and waited for what seemed like days before he finally revealed his hidden eye. I took and couple steps forward in order to take a look for myself. When I saw him I had froze, it was if someone was forcing me to stay still.

The Sharingan.

"You four stay back and protect the bridge builder, Zabuza is after me as of right now."

We move to surround the old man and wait for Zabuza to make his next move. The enemy move towards the water and...disappears..Where did he go?

I hear Sasuke gasp and turn to see what the problem was. He seemed to trembling, trying not to breath nor blink.

"Sasuke. Calm down, I will protect you all with my life." Kakashi said, looking and smiling.

Sasuke seem to finally breath out and nod to Kakashi, getting back into his previous stance. I decide to link my pinky finger with his and to my surprise, he tightened the grip between us. I blush and let go causing Sasuke to confusingly look at me. I smile at him and look as Zabuza and Kakashi started to battle. Kakashi Sensei seemed to be copying everyhting Zabuza was doing but soon ended up in a bubble and couldn't escape. The enemy then made a water clone that was meant to take care of us. I ran at the clone despite Sasuke and Naruto yelling at me to stop.

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now