•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟻•

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- I'm sorry but...when I saw this edit I couldn't help but laugh at Kakashi and create this weird thing in my head. The way Itachi looked at him was like: "👁👄👁" and then Kakashi was lookin like:
"Sup b*tch, thought you'd see the last me didn't you?" 😭😭😭👋 ok I'm out!

Previously on (•Uchiha•) ...


I feel my eyelids start to close from exhaustion and my limbs start to ease up for better comfort and like that, I was knocked out and snoozing the day away leaving Naruto and Sakura to deal with now not only Sasuke but me as well.

Hopefully Sasuke is ok.


"Hurry, Y/N!!! Don't you want to see him? He woke up in his hospital bed not too long ago."

I huff out and continue to run along side my brother as we past through the hospital doors and up the stairs. We were able to press on the mission and complete it...even though the Sasuke and I, the only Uchihas, were snoozing and taking a nap. I was the first one to wake up two days after the mission and had to be tended to until released about four days ago. Sasuke was still out though, making me worried. I protected his head didn't I? Did that staff really do that much damage..?

I leave my imagination and comments in my head as Naruto abruptly stops making me almost run into him.

"Are we here?"

The blonde nods in response and opens the door for us to walk in, we stop at the side of the curtain as the Uchiha was looking at the window. I feel tears outline the bottom of my eyes as his head turns to face us, his face looked pale and the bags underneath his lashes was evident. The way he looked at me hurt and confused me, the annoyed and stuck up Sasuke now looking so fragile and sensitive made me want to kiss away his pain. I walk up to his as my tears graze over my plump cheeks and to my chin and take the seat next to him.


He didn't respond but instead we just stared at each other before I couldn't hold back anymore. As more tears glazed my eyes I took my warm hands and placed them on his cold shoulders rubbing them up to the back of his neck and pulling him into my warm embrace. I slightly squeezed him more into me as if hoping I could engulf him in my happy warmth, maybe if he felt warmth...maybe, just maybe he could be happy for real...


His voice sounded horse and forced as my name cackled out of his throat with a sense of question. The question of "Why are you so worried about me?"

"I can't lose you Sasuke...don't tell Sakura but I think I've...I think I lo-"

"Sasuke!!" I turn my head to find none other than Sakura at the door huffing with a basket of fruit. She rushes over and stops to look at the scene in front of her before fixating her eyes upon mine, giving a desperate look. I sigh and get up from the seat, slowly unlocking my embrace from Sasuke. I feel him move forward in order to keep me but I then finally back away and stand next to my brother as Sakura wrapped her arms desperately around where mine use to.  All Sasuke does is stare, stare deadly at the ground in front of him, ignoring Sakura's affection and attention. Her words went through him as if he were a ghost.

"...Oh! Sasuke here, I brought some apples! Here, let me cut them for you!"

Naruto looks with sad eyes, looking at me and then Sasuke but then looking at Sakura and Sasuke. He seemed troubled with the situation, as if he knew something.

•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now