Into Harsh Reality

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I opened my eyes and sat up.

  ' headache is gone.'

  I looked around and looked at the time. it read 2:05 PM.

  I pulled my knees up to my chest and sighed. I remember last night clearly. I remember agreeing to come to Mitsuki's house because I wasn't feeling well.

  I remember him carrying me and then I fell asleep on his bed. but...I...I don't remember anything after that...then I felt a pang of pain in my chest as I realized that I only dreamt of me and Mitsuki kissing.

  ' wasn't real...?', I thought as I looked over at Mitsuki peacefully sleeping, facing the opposite way. I felt tears start to run down my face as I covered my mouth to try and not make any noise. I didn't want Mitsuki to wake up and see me like this.

  I silently got up and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind me as I stood in front of the sink and looked at myself in the mirror, finally letting the tears fall down my face.

  'I'm so stupid-!', I thought.

  'I really thought it was could I let myself even think like that?? Its obvious. Mitsuki doesn't like me...'

  I tried to calm myself down as I wiped my eyes and splashed cold water on my face.

  'I'm overthinking this. I need to calm down. it's normal to dream of things like that about your crush' my thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Boruto? are you alright in there?", I heard Mitsuki softly ask.

  I took a deep breath in and out to help recompose myself, then I opened the door slightly.

  "Yeah. I'm fine Mitsuki. Why?"

  He just stared at me for a second and pushed the door open more so he could see my whole face and body.

  He walked up to me and gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "Because the door was locked, I heard the water running and then you come out of the bathroom with swollen red eyes..."

  I looked down at my feet in embarrassment.

  "Really. I'm fine."

  I gently took his hand off my shoulder and walked over to his nightstand and grabbed my sweater from the shelf underneath it. I put it on and grabbed my phone, putting it in my pocket.

As I turned around, I saw Mitsuki staring at me softly.


  I walked over him and put on the best smile that I could muster at the moment.

  "Everything's fine, Mitsuki. Really. I just think I should go home and see my oka-san and Hima. They're probably wondering where I am anyway since I didn't go home last night. Plus, I really need some time to myself right now..."

  Suddenly, he reached out and hugged me from behind; catching me off guard.

  "Ok, but only if you're sure. If you need anything, you know I'm here for you right?"

  I separated from him to turn around and face him, then I hugged him back as I answered with, "Yeah. I know." We stayed like that for a moment and then we separated.

I said my farewells as I left and started to walk to only god knows where.

  I honestly didn't know where I was going. I just let my feet carry me anywhere they wanted to go.

  All I know was that I didn't want to be around Mitsuki right now, or anyone for that matter. I needed to sort my feelings out by myself.

  I looked down at my feet as I continued to walk down the road. I continued to walk until I noticed that I was on top of the hill where the Hokage's faces were.

  I jumped down and sat on my dad's head and just laid back and relaxed; looking up at the brightly lit blue sky.

  'What should I do...?' I thought.


Hi guys! I am so sorry that this chapter is kinda short. I didn't know what else to write after that and I thought that it would be a good place to end this chapter at. I hope you enjoy!!! <333

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