The Start of Pain

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I woke up facing Mitsuki and boy! Did the sunlight coming in from my window do him justice!

  Saying that he looked like an angel would be an understatement. He laid there with the most precious smile that I have ever seen come from him while, unbeknownst to him, I was staring.

  Quite hard actually.

  'How can someone be so beautiful??', I thought to myself. After a few moments of mesmerizing his beauty, I gently kissed his forehead and made my way to the bathroom to wash up and brush my teeth.

I undressed and hopped into the shower. The water was so warm and soothing.

  I sighed in content as I felt the water gently trail down my body, running over previous scars from missions that healed but never seemed to fade.

  I raised my right hand to look at the karma seal that was placed on me by Momoshiki.

  'No way will I ever become someone's stupid vessel!'

  I scoffed as I released the glare I hadn't known I formed my face and put my hand back down.

I reached for the soap and my scrunchie.

  I applied the soap onto the scrunchie after wetting it and rubbed it in to make the soap foam up.

  As soon as I was about to apply it onto my body, I backed up away from the water spraying down from the showerhead, getting ready to wash myself up when I bumped into something, almost falling.

  Or should I say someone because they caught me before I could slip and get myself a concussion. I steadied myself and turned around.

I saw Mitsuki standing there, in the shower with me completely naked, smiling at me without a care in the world.

  I immediately used my arms to cover as much of myself as I could while my face turned redder than Oji-chan Kushina's hair and I screamed.


He immediately grabbed my shoulders again to make sure that I don't fall while asking, "Is everything alright, Boruto?"

  I looked straight at him, still shook about what is currently happening.

  "W-why are you in the shower with m-me?"

  He smiled again and just said, "Because I wanted to."

  I just looked away in embarrassment.

  "You look displeased. Is there something wrong?"

"It's wrong to just pop out of nowhere, naked, and scare me in the shower out of all places! That's why!"

"What's wrong with that exactly?"

  Still not meeting his face, I said, "'s weird..."

"How is it weird?"

"Because it is..."

  "I don't think it's weird. I've seen you naked before in the hot springs and I'm your boyfriend now. I'm sure I'll see you like this more."

  Ignoring the last part of that, I said, "I-I just have body issues, ok? That's why it's weird to me."

I could feel his gaze as he looked me up and down, taking in my form for the first time since he hopped into the shower with me, while I just tried my hardest not to freak out and just leave the shower altogether.

  He smiled and what he said next made my heart flutter so hard in my chest, I thought I was going to have a legit heart attack.

"I don't see anything wrong with your body."

  I looked at him as he continued, "It looks beautiful just the way it is. Perfectly toned, thick but also cute and tiny. Your skin is a beautiful tan peach color as well. Your eyes are such a light blue that even the ocean can't compare in beauty."

  He slowly moves his hand to cup my cheek and bring us closer.

  "And that adorable blush of yours when I compliment you in any little way, like right now, just makes me want you more."

He was right.

  I was a blushing mess at the words he had just spoken.

  I just stood there, gaping at him as he brought our faces closer together to kiss me in a passionate, but also gentle way, almost like he was afraid he would break me.

  I immediately kissed him back and relaxed a little. when we pulled away, I felt him grab my scrunchie out of my hand and ask, "Need help?", but before I could answer, he started to gently rub to scrunchie over my chest.

  I tended up at first from the sudden sensation, but I managed to relax from his touch and let him wash me off. I tried not to think about how weird it really was.

That was until he accidentally rubbed there. My body jolted and the first thing I did was instantly grab his hair, seeing as he was now squatting to wash my lower half and feet as I said, "N-not there."

He just stared at me in confusion until he looked straight at where I told him not to touch, then looked up at me.

  "O-ok. sorry." and I swear for a second that I saw his cheeks turn red.

After he washed me up, I took a turn and washed him up with an extra wash cloth we happened to have.

  We got out and brushed our teeth together too. After we were done with that, we got breakfast that my oka-chan cooked and then went back up to my room.

  We played video games for a while before we tired out and just decided to chill on the bed.

  We sat there cuddling one another until my right hand where my karma was started to throb and shoot to my head. I groaned in pain as I used my other hand to rub at my head.

This didn't go unnoticed by Mitsuki as he sat up from laying on my head with a worried expression.

"Are you alright, Boruto?", he asked as he lifted his own hand to feel my head.

"Y-yeah. I'm just fine. only a headache. I think I just need to lay d-down..", my sentence trailed off as my words slurred.

  Before I knew it, I passed out with the last thing I heard being, "BORUTO!"

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