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  So...where do I start?

  It's been about a week and a half since I've last seen Mitsuki or anyone for that matter.

  I really don't want to talk to anyone right now after what had happened. I just need my space.

  I've noticed that they've been looking around for me. They must be worried sick about me, but I just REALLY need some time to myself right now.

  My feelings for Mitsuki have been getting worse. When I was on my dad's sculpted mountain head after leaving Mitsuki's place, I had an amazing idea.

  Maybe if I just stay away from Mitsuki for a while, the feelings that I have for him will go away somehow.

  I also thought that if I just avoid Mitsuki alone and still hang around with everyone else, they would end up butting their heads into my problems and try to help.

  The most logical thing that they'd probably do is to force me to talk to Mitsuki and talk about how I feel.


  They just really need to understand that I need time to sort out my feelings myself and that it takes time.

  I can't be forced to confess my 'undying love' for Mitsuki...That'd just ruin the moment if I work up the courage to do it on my own.

  Right now, I am currently walking over the bridge, when I decide to dangle my arms off the edge of one of the side railings and look down at the people passing below.

  I sigh and relax, closing my eyes for a moment, letting myself not think about anything in particular.

  Then, suddenly out of FUCKING nOwHeRe, someone decides to squeeze my hips and yell in my ear from behind me; scaring the fuCK out of me.

  I yelled I and jumped at least 10 feet in the air, almost falling off the bridge and hurting myself.

  As I landed back on my feet, I turned around and I was met with the glowing and mischievous eyes of Mitsuki himself.

  My first reaction to him being so close was to close my eyes and push him away. What else was I supposed to do..?


  As I opened my eyes again, I saw him on the ground, sitting on his butt with his knees up and hands resting on the ground next to his hips, staring at me with wide eyes filled with shock.

  After a moment of staring at each other, I inwardly panicked and walked over to him and reached my hand out for him to take.

  He gladly accepted as I pulled him up.

  "Oh my god, Mitsuki! You scared me half to DeAtH-! I could've fell off the bridge!"

  He didn't say anything except chuckle. My face immediately flushed.

  "W-what?" He put each of his hands on my shoulders and looked at me.

  "I'm sorry. It was just really tempting. Especially since you seemed to be so relaxed and distracted...",

  He paused for a moment, then continued while shifting his gaze to our feet between us.

  "I've just been very worried about you this past week...You left my house in such a rush and then no one could find you. You completely hid your chakra and your presence. Do you even know how worried everyone's been? Do you have any idea how worried I've been?!"

  As he shouts that last question, he shoots his gaze back to mine and, to my surprise, his beautiful golden eyes that make my heart weak, are filled with tears as he begins to break down before my eyes.

  "I-I...I was starting to think that you were d-dead, Boruto!"

  All I could do was stand there in shock as he leaned his head down onto my chest and hugged me tightly as he continued to cry.

  After I had gotten over my initial shock, I hugged him back as I rested my chin on top his head.

  "I'm sorry. It's-it's ok. I'm here now...You know that I can't be killed that easily, Mitsuki..."

  After awhile, we separated and I went over to the bench to sit down, making a motion for Mitsuki to follow me.

  Mitsuki followed and sat down next to me, awkwardly apologizing for crying on me like he did. I turned towards him.

  "It's ok. You did nothing wrong. Honestly, it's my fault. I shouldn't have run off like that", I turned my gaze away from him as I continued, "Especially so suddenly at such a bad time and then to just disappear without a trace as to where I was or if I was ok...I just--I have a lot going on right now...and I don't know what to do about it, o-or even how to handle it..."

  Mitsuki reached over and gently put his hand on top of mine, causing me to lightly blush and turn my gaze towards him once again.

  "It's alright. We all have those times where we need to be alone and have some time to think for ourselves--especially with the friends we've got."

  I chuckled lightly. "Yeah...tell me about it..."

  After that it was silent for a few moments, except for the sound of people socializing through the town until Mitsuki broke the silence with a simple question.

  "So, do you wanna go for a walk around the town to visit our friends and your parents to let them know that you're ok..?"

  I gently squeezed his hand and smiled.

  "Yes. That'd be perfect, actually."

  We got up, still hand in hand and started making our way off the bridge and through the town.

  I looked down at our hands and smiled, feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

  Maybe I could get used to this 'crush' thing and even day...could we...actually be a thing...?


  Welp, that's it for this chapter! I hope you guys like it! <333

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