A not so Bright Day

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Just a nightmare ..
Might as well get ready.

I only had socks and school uniform pants on. I lifted up my mattress to only see my razor blade lying underneath it. I picked it up and headed to the bathroom. I looked at myself. And thought.

Why do I deserve this?
I look horrible.

Cuts and bruises on my face. More cuts and bruises on my arm and on legs. I took the razor blade and just deeply went into my wrist. I didn't cry. I was use to this. I was calm with this. I've dealt with worst.

Back in the room I put on my uniform shirt and my black long hoodie on top. I covered up my face with my hood.

And off to school I go..

Down the stairs, one step at a time, very quietly. I see my parents. Watching TV as always. My sister is at school I guess.

How come I'm less lovable ..

"Morning Shouyo"

"Morning mom!"

"What did I say about calling me mom brat!" My mom yelled.


My dad then came into the conversation, "Take off that hoodie." He said while holding my throat tightly.

"Yes s-sir.."

"Be like your sister. Go to school then. You're cooking for the week."

I quickly ran out the door and grabbed my bike and started to go to school.


One step into the classroom and silence in the room. Eyes on me and me looking at them with my bolded eyes. The teacher allows me to keep my hoodie on during class. Sat down, and put my head down. I closed my eyes and slept ..

Classes were done. Everybody was out of the room except this one boy that sat next to me everyday. "Oi. Hinata?"

Kageyama Tobio.

"I .. Where is everybody?.." I asked silently.

"Everybody left dumbass. Pack your things. And here, I wrote down notes for you, again." He argued.

"I-I'm sorry and thank you." I grabbed my notebook that he wrote down the notes on.

"See you tomorrow." He walked out of the classroom.



School was over. I ran to the gym that Karasuno plays volleyball at.
I play volleyball, just by myself .. I'm just too shy to go into a team. Number 10 suddenly moved away last month. He was a good Setter.



"Kageyama! Stop arguing with Tanaka and just keep setting to him!" I yelled.

"Sorry Suga!" He yelled back.

I looked around the gym and I see these bright hazel eyes at the window just staring at us play. I had smiled to notice how someone had adored our gameplay. I decided to go out and meet with this female or male.

"Hey guys I'll be right back!"

I left the gym and walked up to this person, "Hey there!"

The person jumped and fell off the wall.
"Careful. What's your name?"

"Oh I-I .. I'm Hinata Shouyo.."

So he's a guy.

He's a 1st year too.

"I'm S-"

He cut me off, "Sugawara Koushi. I know.."

"Ah, alright." I bent down to ask him, "Why were you watching us exactly?"

"Oh I'm so-so sorry! I didn't mean to, I mean I meant to but I -"

"Relax," I calmed him down. He was freaking out.

I can't fully see his face.
I always see him with this hoodie down.

Does he not like to socialize? It's obvious, isn't it?

"W-well .. I was just watching you guys play because I'm a fan of volleyball matter of fact.." he said softly.

"Why don't you join?" I stood up lending him a hand.

He grabbed my hand and said , "I just don't like socializing that much.."

I was right.

"I can sign you up to play with us! Number 10 on our team. Sound good? "

I saw his bright hazel eyes looking up to me surprised. "R-really?.."

"Yeah! We need another member on our team."

He was thinking. His bright eyes were now shallow.. "Then sure! But just don't mind the bandages on me when I'm in the uniform "

Bandages? He's taking off his h-

" .. What happened to you?!.." I asked curiously. I really didn't want to be nosy, but honestly I was just concerned.

"Aha, I'm just clumsy. Don't mind me!"

I lead him inside and the gym went dead silent until .. "Hinata?" Kageyama asked surprisingly?

"Oi king, you know this creep?" This tall guy asked.

"TSUKISHIMA KEI!" The whole team yelled.

"Why is he covered up with bandages? It's not even well put it on. Are you that clumsy?" He asked him up close. Laughing at him.


"Why is he covered up with bandages? It's not even well put it on. Are you that clumsy?" He asked me up close. Laughing at me.

"Yeah I'm clumsy.." Suga held on to me and just staring at Tsukishima deeply.

"Well, we have a new member on our team, Hinata Shouyo. He'll be our new number 10." Suga explained.

"Follow me to the changing room Hinata."

When I walked there, I looked behind me and just saw Tsukishima staring at me. I knew this was a bad idea ..


How do you like it so far? Dunno, I started reading Wattpad Haikyu stories last week and wanted to start writing some on my own.


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