This is not Okay

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You guys get one chapter before Halloween.

Also thank you to these people!


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Tsukishima's POV

"Dammit Hinata! That's not what I meant!" My eyes opened up again, "wait .. And why would you care if I didn't want to date you?" I gave him a smirk.

He flinched and turned around pouting. Suga and Daichi were laughing. "Even if you guys aren't dating, I still ship it." Daichi answered honestly. "Well we gotta get going. We're going to my house after this."

"To doooo?" I gave him a smirk and half opened eyes. Suga punched me in the stomach.

"Mind your business Tsukishima!" They then both walked off laughing. I turned back to Hinata who was already all soaked.

"Tsukki hurry up! Look at the sky! Sunrise is starting!" Hinata was waving at me with a real smile on laughing. That made me feel proud and calmed.
I ran up to him splashing my feet on the water. I could barely get wet, The water was on the shortys knee height. Meanwhile the water was below my knees. I was watching how the water was reflecting on Sun. I looked beside me to see the small tangerine doing the same. I smirked and splashed water on him. "Hey!" He splashed water back at me. I was laughing then Hinata trying jumping on me, I moved on the side making him fall in the water. "It seems like I'm starting to enjoy my life now that you're helping me out .. I've always just made sure Natsu was happy at all times. I never thought about myself, Natsu is younger than me, so I always thought that she's new to this world, she deserves to be here than me. But now that your brother is helping me out on the side, I can start thinking about myself now." He smiled while his body was in the water. I sat down next to him, holding his hand underwater. "So what are we doing today?" The tangerine asked.

My eyes widened opened, I panicked since I knew he would hate what I'm about to say, I sighed and went for it. I would find a way to calm him down. "We're inviting Iwazaki for lunch." I felt his hand let go of mine, I was still holding his but I was shaking.

Why the hell am I shaking?!
Am I really scared?!


Hinata's POV

"We're inviting Iwazaki for lunch." That was the last thing I wanted to hear today.

Tsukki isn't that type of person to be friends with somebody that quick!
Why him?!
I'm not going to inter-
Huh? Is he shaking?..
He knows how I feel ..
I'll try to get along with him ..
if he does the same of course ..

"Alright, sure!" I smiled at him. His eyes were on me now. "What time?"

He was thinking. And then he gave a small smile. "Okay then. Let's get home and eat something. We have to make something for Akiteru and Natsu anyway." He got up and stood me up. "Uh, we also got to pack our stuff for tomorrow."

"Are we going by bus again?" I questioned holding his hand while walking to our pile of clothes.

"Ah no, We're going by cars." He started to put on his shirt.


Tsukishima's POV

"Ah no, we're going by cars." I started to put on my shirt. I looked at him when he was fully dressed looking dizzy, "Hey! Are you okay?"

"H-how Long is the ride?" He asked trying to be confident.

"1 hour and 30 minutes!" I then remembered, "Oooh, you get car sick?" I started to laugh.

"Hey! Not funny!" He started to walk off pouting.

I laughed quiet and finished putting my pants on. I put a towel that was in Akiterus trunk on Hinata's seat. "Aren't you going to put one on the drivers seat, it's gonna get soaked.." He asked pointing down at me.

"Akiteru pranks me enough. Mind as well do something to him back." I started to drive off. It was 7:50 when we got home. "Morning Akiteru."

"I have to go to the office today at 9. So I'll be gone till 11." Akiteru explained as he layed on the couch.

I nodded and just walked to the kitchen with Hinata behind me. I got out the ingredients for today's breakfast. I had one hour to make something for Akiteru before he had to go to the office.
I was making a Japanese fruit sandwich. It's pretty popular around here, delicious too!
I cut the fruits into separate bowls, and got the Bread out.

I then saw Hinata picking at the strawberries. When he ate two, he said, "I'm going to take a shower. I'm going to Sendai with Kenma and Kuroo."

My eyes widen opened.

I thought he said h-
That's why he said it's fine!
He said it's fine because he was going to think of a way to get out of this hang out with Iwazaki ..

"Then I'll call Iwazaki to come along" I said smirking at him, I knew what was his response going to be and face was gonna be like.

His eyes widen opened and replied, "N-No!" He faced away from me then went to our room.

I finally made breakfast for Akiteru and Natsu. They both said thank you, grabbed their plate with both hands. I then grabbed Hinata's and my plate and went to my room. "Hinata? You done?" When I entered the room, he was there on our bed holding a Dino plush half asleep. I smiled. "Hey I got your food." I nudged him a little and he sat up.

"Thank you Tsukki." He took the plate from me and grabbed one of the sandwiches.


Hinata's POV

I thanked Tsukki and grabbed one of the fruit sandwiches. "These are good!" I loved the cream and fruits mixed in together.

"Hah, thanks, I learned it from my mother, she always made it after school when I was younger." He smiled and took a bite from his sandwich. "So, still going out with Kenma and Kuroo?" He asked me not making eye contact.

"A-ah, well I want to go, but since my sister and your brother are here, I guess I have to stay." I replied.

I felt a pat on my back, "That's good. Suga and Daichi wouldn't like their teammates not liking each other. Especially the coach."

"Well, Suga did bring me into this team, if I do get kicked out, I wouldn't feel anything .. again .." I said to last park quietly, he didn't hear it, he didn't question it.

Minutes later we were both done with our sandwiches. I wanted to finally sleep before that guy comes over. Tsukki took my plate and left the room. I climbed onto his bed and under the blanket. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Okay, last time I'm uploading before Halloween. After Halloween I'll go back to my regular routine. Here you go!

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