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Welcome to my first-ever Warriors fanfiction! As you can see, this is just basically the intro to the entire story, with the Clan names and whatnot.

Please comment! I'd really appreciate it!

I do not own the Warriors series; Erin Hunter does.

Morning Rays

Clans: TwilightClan, MeadowClan, BlazeClan, and EchoClan

Territory: The Clans live on a huge island full of forests, hills, caves, and even a distant mountain.


The most independent Clan. They are sometimes considered cold, but if a Clan is in desperate need they will help. Tends to stick to the night and camps under the few trees on their territory. Territory is a bit barren with weeds, bushes, and gorse. Landmarks include the Pond, the Great Pine, both good for hunting, a narrow river that runs through both TwilightClan and BlazeClan territory, and the Great Boulder, usually used for sunning themselves. Prey includes voles, water voles, frogs, mice, and an occasional fish or bird. MeadowClan and BlazeClan are at their borders. It is the Clan farthest south. Pelt colors are usually shades of black, gray, and dark brown.


MeadowClan lives on the meadow-patched hills in the farthest west of the four territories. They love to decorate their dens with flowers and heather. Their camp is in a small clearing in the middle of the territory. This Clan tends to help other Clans, especially with providing herbs. At their borders are TwilightClan and EchoClan. Landmarks include the Lightning Tree, a tree struck in half by lightning, the Sandy Pit, where they train the most, a Thunderpath, which is at their furthest border into unknown territory, and Twolegplace, by the Thunderpath. Prey includes rabbits, birds, mice, and sometimes a rare deer. Pelt colors are brown, light brown, tan, white, and golden.


BlazeClan is known for their ability to channel fires that sometimes rage through their tree-filled territory and direct it to the nearest water source. Their camp is made in a burnt patch of forest, so as not to disturb the prey-rich areas. A few landmarks are the river, which also flows into TwilightClan territory, the Falls, a small waterfall on the EchoClan border, and a huge, hollow oak by their camp, known as the Hollow Oak. At their borders are EchoClan and TwilightClan. This Clan is the furthest to the east. Prey includes squirrels, rabbits, birds, mice, and voles. Pelt colors include browns, blacks, grays, gingers, and golds.


EchoClan loves their camp they have created in a gorge where a river flows at the bottom, and where the rushing water echoes along the walls, lulling the cats to sleep. They tend to be peaceful and calm. They make their dens among caves, and are known for their ability to navigate themselves through tunnels. The Clans closest to them are BlazeClan and MeadowClan. Landmarks of their territory include the Ravine, the Lake Cliff, a cliff facing away from their territory and over a huge lake, the Caves, at the beginning of the tunnels, and a heap of rocks known as the Rock-heap. Prey includes mice, moles, voles, sometimes a cave fish, and a rare bird. Colors include black, grey, silver, blue, and occasionally brown.




Dawnstar - light brown she-cat with green eyes

apprentice, Whitepaw


Sageflight - dark brown tabby tom with gray eyes

Medicine Cats:

Drizzleheart - blue-gray she-cat with deep blue eyes

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