Chapter 8

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I have never been so bored in my life, thought Moonpaw miserably. She huffed, clawing up a ball of moss and throwing it at the wall.

She had spent the last moon cooped up in the medicine den, eating disgusting herbs, and only getting up to do the exercises Riverwhisper had planned for her. The rest of the time, Silversprout had hovered over her, offering sympathy, giving advice, but all Moonpaw wanted was for him to shut up and leave her alone.

One more day in this wretched den, and I'll go mad! thought Moonpaw angrily. She clawed up another ball of moss, preparing to throw it, when Silversprout walked in.

She groaned, tempted to hurtle the ball right at his face.

Silversprout seemed to her groan as a sign of pain. "Oh, my whiskers," he mumbled before dashing over. He parted some fur, examining scratches, before feeling at her leg.

"I'm fine," hissed Moonpaw. She batted the medicine cat's paw away from her.

"Lighten up a bit, Moonpaw. It could be worse," the silver tom said, relaxing as he realized that Moonpaw was okay, and stepped across the den. He came back with some tiny, black seeds. He pushed them over to her nest. "Eat those," he instructed.

"What are they?" asked Moonpaw, genuinely curious. She sniffed them. They didn't smell as bad as the other herbs she had taken.

"Poppy seeds," meowed Silversprout. "A couple will dull your pain and help you sleep."

"Like I need to sleep anymore. I've slept for days and days!" Moonpaw's attitude soured immediately. She was tempted to shove them down Silversprout's throat, if only for a few moments of peace and quiet.

"Take the poppy seeds," he ordered angrily, "if you want to feel any better."

Sighing, Moonpaw gave in. "Fine," she huffed.

As she grumpily lapped up the seeds, she started to feel drowsy. She turned over in her nest, closing her eyes.

"That's it," soothed Silversprout, stroking her with his tail. "You'll feel better soon."

. . . . .

Later that night, Moonpaw woke up to hear voices coming from Silversprout and Riverwhisper's nests.

"Riverwhisper! I need to tell you something, while Moonpaw's asleep!" hissed a voice in the darkness. Moonpaw could just make out Silversprout's figure.

"Wha.. what?" said Riverwhisper, waking up from a light sleep. The outline of his ears in the moonlight told her that Riverwhisper was sitting up.

"I need you to be extra careful with Moonpaw. She has to get better!" Silversprout told him desperately. "Her paw is still mending, when it should have been completely healed a quarter moon ago!"

"Why her? Moonpaw's paw will be fine, and not all cats heal the same. Stop worrying." meowed Riverwhsper. He laid back down with a crunch. \

"Please, Riverwhisper!" meowed Silversprout desperately.

"But why?" asked the younger tom, rolling over.

"Because she could be the only cat that can save the Clans!"

Riverwhisper jerked his head up. "That's not possible. She's just an apprentice, and as of now the Clans are mostly at peace."

Silversprout sighed. "Alright, I will tell you. Just promise me that you will never repeat this to any cat, not to Moonpaw, not to Sunpaw, not even to Hawkstar."

"I promise," he responded.

"A while ago, a strange she-cat came to me while I was gathering supplies," Silversprout began. Moonpaw twisted her ears towards the conversation.

"This cat told me something strange," the medicine cat continued. "She said, 'There is a bird threatening the island. When the day comes that day and night join together, the future will be made clear.'

"Well, what does that mean?" asked Riverwhisper.

"I don't know, but I feel like Moonpaw and Sunpaw are a part of it," he replied.

Moonpaw's jaw dropped. So that was why Silversprout was always curious about her life! She possibly could be a part of an important message that could save the Clans!

"I don't get it," asked Riverwhisper.

"Let's go out into the forest. I don't want any cat to eavesdrop or for Moonpaw to wake up," Silversprout whispered.

"Okay, let's go," hissed Riverwhisper quietly. As the pawsteps faded, she could hear Riverwhisper asking, "So, when exactly did you receive this message?"

Moonpaw sat up in her nest, shocked. Was what she heard really true? Or was this just all a dream? She decided to keep quiet about it, besides from telling Sunpaw. He should know, right? He might be a part of this message.

. . . . .

"Here, just let put on this last bit on comfrey," said Riverwhisper. "Then you will be able to get back to training. Light duties only," he added as Moonpaw's eyes shone with excitment.

Riverwhisper finished applying the pulp. "Okay, all done!" he said.

Moonpaw found it hard to say anything, from what she heard last night. All she managed to croak out was, "Thanks." and she then walked out of the den.

How great it was to be outside, away from the sickening stench of the herbs! She could actually smell fresh, green forest, a scent that seemed so far away from the smell of the medicine den!

She jolted back to the present. Now, to tell Sunpaw.

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