Chapter 3

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The clearing was dead silent. All the cats had completely froze, staring at Briarberry and her patrol.

Yowls broke out.

"What happened to it?"

"How did it die?"

"Where is it?"

Hawkstar waved his tail for silence. "Briarberry, tell us what happened."

The other two members of the patrol, Yellowpaw and Fernwillow, stepped back, and Briarberry began to speak.

"You see, while we were searching for Moonkit and Sunkit by the river that flows through TwilightClan territory as well as ours," she began, glancing at the two kits, looking a bit relieved. "We smelled a strange scent. Thinking that is might lead us to the missing kits, we followed the trail. We found what we had been smelling by a huge birch tree, very close to TwilightClan. At first, we thought it was a very large cat, but as we neared it, we realized it was a dog And it was dead." Briarberry paused for a breath.

"Anyways, there were no Twoleg traps, though there was a strong scent of cat," Briarberry finished. The cats in the clearing stared at her in horror.

"What about my kits?" wailed Jasminebloom. She quickly glanced around, embarrassed. Timbertree also look upset. The whole Clan stared at them, then a few cats murmured their congratulations, but the calls were faint. Most of the Clans' minds were on what Briarberry had just told them.

Hawkstar dipped his head to the newly announced queen, and Riverwhisper rushed over to help Jasminebloom make a new nest in the nursery, murmuring words of comfort to her.

Stormheart sighed, sounding full of worry and exasperation. "Alright, kits, never sneak out of camp ever again. Do you hear me?" she scolded. The kits, terrified, nodded.

Cloudchaser growled. "If it weren't for Hawkstar already having punished you, I would have suggested having your apprenticeship being delayed." Moonkit shrank back from his father.

"Back to the nursery, you two," ordered Stormheart. They scuttled away.

. . . . .

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Burnt Tree for a Clan meeting!" Moonkit blinked sleepily as she exited the nursery, Stormheart and Sunkit following close behind. Quickkit, Oatkit, and Turtlekit were already up front by the massive, charred oak near the side of the clearing, looking quite proud of themselves.

Moonkit realized that her best friends were becoming apprentices.

"Oatkit, Quickkit, and Turtlekit have reached their sixth moon," the golden tom began. "It is time they have received their apprentice name. Oatkit, Turtlekit, Quickkit, you shall be known as Oatpaw, Turtlepaw, and Quickpaw. Oatpaw, your mentor will be Berryfur. Berryfur, you recieved excellent training in Velvetcloud, and I expect you will pass these qualities down to Oatpaw."

"I won't let you down," confirmed Berryfur proudly, touching noses with her new apprentice. Green eyes met green eyes, and Moonkit knew that they would make a good pair.

"Turtlepaw, your mentor will be Fernwillow. Fernwillow, though your mentor has passed, Branchfall was an outstanding warrior. I also see this quality in you. You shall mentor Turtlepaw." The mentor-apprentice pair touched noses.

"Quickpaw, your mentor will be Briarberry. Yesterday, Briarberry, you showed courage in leading the patrol that found the dog. I trust you to teach your apprentice all that you know." When the leader finished, Quickpaw and Briarberry tapped noses with each other, eyes shining.

"This meeting is at an end. Velvetcloud, please see to the patrols." The russet deputy nodded respectfully, turning to the warriors. "Now, Featherear," Moonkit heard her say before the she-kit walked out of earshot. Moonkit slumped down on the ground near the medicine den with a sigh.

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