Chapter 6

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Burnt Tree for a Clan meeting!" Hawkstar was perched in the huge, burnt tree. His gaze sweeped over his Clan, as if assessing every single cat.

It had been a moon since Sunpaw and Moonpaw had become apprentices, but Sunpaw felt that it had only been a few days. His mentor, Timbertree was an outstanding teacher. He always made sure Sunpaw had mastered whatever he had taught the golden apprentice before moving on. Apparently, Timbertree had thought Sunpaw had done well, as he had managed to persuade his sister, Featherear, to allow Moonpaw to come, too.

"Tonight's Gathering patrol will consist of Velvetcloud, of course, Riverwhisper, Featherear, Timbertree, Stormheart, Cloudchaser, Jadeshine, Lightstep, Lavenderfern, Yellowthorn, Tumblefoot, Sunpaw, Moonpaw, Turtlepaw, and Cedarclaw."

The chosen cats stepped towards the tunnel. Sunpaw felt his spine shudder in excitement.

Hawkstar led the way out of the entrance, Velvetcloud following. The rest of the patrol streamed out of the tunnel after them.

Sunpaw walked alongside Moonpaw, with Cloudchaser ahead of them. When his father realized that his kits were right behind him, he fell back to walk with them.

"First Gathering jitters, eh?" he asked, brushing his tail over them each in turn.

Sunpaw nodded. He was surprised by how many cats were in the patrol; multiply that by all four Clans.

As the cats approached the clearing, Sunpaw gaped at the endless sea of fur. TwilightClan, EchoClan, and MeadowClan scents flooded over him, making him feel dizzy.

From MeadowClan; Dawnstar, Sageflight, Drizzleheart, Morningrose, Blizzardfang, Rabbitnose, Littlestorm, Springstream, Heatherpaw, Poolpaw, Hazelpaw, and Beepatch.

From TwilightClan: Nightstar, Darkbelly, Leafbreeze, Blossomear, Dapplecloud, Midnightpelt, Ravencall, Mistsplash, Applesong, Quailfall, Falconpaw, Burrowpaw, Brightpaw, and Twigpelt.

And from EchoClan: Silverstar, Caveleap, Tigerlily, Rushfur, Curlywhisker, Thrushwing, Ivyeye, Cliffpaw, Longpaw, Mintpaw, Dovefrost, Ferrettooth, and Tawnystripe.

Hawkstar signaled for the BlazeClan cats to join the other Clans down in the clearing before leaping into the mass of cats.

"BlazeClan is here! Let the Gathering begin!" yowled Nightstar. Sunpaw recognized him from what Stormheart had previously described him as.

"I will begin, if you all don't mind," the dark-pelted tom began. The other leaders nodded curtly.

"TwilightClan is thriving. We have three new apprentices, Falconpaw, Burrowpaw, and Brightpaw, and two new warriors, Applesong and Beetleleg!"

The Clans halfheartedly cheered for the five cats. Beetleleg, a black tom, didn't look too pleased with sharing his glory with the three apprentices.

Nightstar wasn't finished.

"Falconpaw, who I mentioned earlier, also drove a dog out of our territory." Nightstar glanced at Hawkstar before continuing. "He chased it down onto your territory, I'm afraid, Hawkstar, before killing it."

Hawkstar's eyes blazed before he relaxed. "Thank you, Nightstar," he hissed quietly. The golden leader stepped forward, pushing past the TwilightClan leader, and made his report.

"BlazeClan has had a prosperous moon. We have three new warriors; Lavenderfern, Yellowthorn, and Tumblefoot."

"Tumblefoot! Yellowthorn! Lavenderfern!" cheered the Clans.

"We also have a new apprentices! Sunpaw and Moonpaw!"

The Clans cheered for a third time.

"Jasminebloom had also had her kits. We expect them to become apprentices in four moons." Hawkstar sat down, beckoning to Silverstar, signaling for her to speak next. She nodded curtly at him before speaking.

"EchoClan is well. We have two new apprentices, Longpaw and Cliffpaw, and a new queen in the nursery, Webflock."

A few cats murmured their congratulations.

"Lastly, EchoClan would like to inform you that we do not tolerate invasions or prey-stealing." She sat down, looking satisfied.

Dawnstar glared at Silverstar before stepping forward.

"Did you see the way Dawnstar looked at Silverstar? I think MeadowClan are the ones stealing," Sunpaw whispered to Moonpaw. Moonpaw nodded, staring at some cat in the crowd. Sunpaw couldn't pick out who.

Dawnstar was wrapping up her announcement, and she jumped down from the stump, followed by the other leaders, signaling for the other cats to mingle with each other.

"Want to meet some of the other apprentices?" asked Sunpaw. Moonpaw nodded while glancing around.

Sunpaw wrapped his tail around her head and jerked it towards a group of apprentices having contests.

"What do you think you are, an owl?" he teased. Moonpaw flashed a hurt glance at him before walking towards the other apprentices.

A golden tabby she-cat met up with them while they were walking.

"Hey! I'm Hazelpaw of MeadowClan!" she said, waving her tail.

Sunpaw nodded. "I'm Sunpaw of BlazeClan, and this is my sister, Moonpaw." Moonpaw dipped her head to the MeadowClan cat.

Hazelpaw nodded. "Over here is Weedpaw of TwilightClan, Poolpaw, my brother from MeadowClan, and Mintpaw of EchoClan."

Sunpaw nodded, staring at Mintpaw. She was pure white, and her eyes were pink, an odd color for a cat.

Mintpaw glanced up at him, and Sunpaw looked away, not wanting to embarrass her.

"How about a jumping contest?" asked Hazelpaw. The apprentices mumbled their agreement, beginning with the contests.

. . . . .

Sunpaw walked back to his nest, tired out. He had won the strength contest, and Moonpaw had won the jumping contest. He entered the apprentices' den, glancing at Moonpaw. She was asleep beside Turtlepaw, who was snoring. Sunpaw sighed, plopping down into sleeping position. He curled his tail over his nose, drifting into blackness

QOTD: Who was Firestar's nephew's mate's daughter's non-powered daughter's second mentor's brother's former mate?

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