Chapter 11

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"Moonpaw!" hissed a voice in the silver she-cat's ear. It was Oatpaw.

"What?" asked Moonpaw drowsily. She sat up in her nest, rubbing her eyes with her paws.

"It's time for battle training," Oatpaw answered.

"Oh, right." Moonpaw instantly was awake. "Where are the others?"

"I've already woken Turtlepaw. Featherear and Velvetcloud are waiting in the clearing." Oatpaw flicked his tail, beckoning her outside.

Moonpaw stretched, shook herself, and padded out of the den.

"Today, we will be learning some more complicated moves, such as-" Velvetcloud broke off her instruction as Moonpaw approached.

"I was just explaining to the other apprentices what we'd be doing today. You up for training?" Velvetcloud asked, pointing with her nose at the silver she-cat's paw.

"I'll be fine," reassured Moonpaw. She stretched her paw around, loosening up the stiff muscles.

"Good. But let me know if it starts to hurt," Velvetcloud meowed. She arched her tail, kinking it forward, as a signal to follow her. The apprentices filed our of camp, Featherear following.

When they got to the training clearing, Velvetcloud started pairing the younger cats up.

"Oatpaw, you'll spar with Turtlepaw, and Moonpaw, you're with me."

Moonpaw felt a flicker of alarm. Her, against the Clan deputy? Velvetcloud purred at her reaction before finishing up organizing the battle pairs.

"Featherear," the red she-cat went on, "you'll supervise Oatpaw and Turtlepaw. Instuct them, and assist them if they make any mistakes."

Featherear dipped her head, then turned towards the older apprentices.

"Today, I would like you to first go over other Clan battle tactics, and practice countermoves for those. Then, we'll teach them the BlazeClan specialty." Velvetcloud dramatically paused. "Directing fire!" she finished.

Moonpaw's jaw dropped. She'd heard other warriors talking about the special move, but she never had thought about learning it.

Velvetcloud turned to Moonpaw.

"So Moonpaw, can you tell me about MeadowClan battle tactics?" she asked.

"Uh, don't they use the open areas to their advantage?" Moonpaw guessed, remembering chats with the older warriors.

"Good job! What is another tactic that they use?"

Moonpaw instantly remembered. "Oh! They use the flowers to mask their scent!"

"Very good," purred Velvetcloud. "What about EchoClan?"

Feeling more confident now, Moonpaw answered, "EchoClan prefers battling in small or dark spaces because of their abilities."

"Last one: TwilightClan."

"TwilightClan... Oh! TwilightClan uses their barren territory to spot enemies so they can have the first strike."

"You're good at this! Now to learn a counter move against MeadowClan: attacking, falling back into tall grasses, then exploding out again, just when they think that we're gone," explained Velvetcloud.

"Cool!" said Moonpaw enthusiastically.

"Alright, Moonpaw, I'll be Dawnstar, and you can be a BlazeClan patrol."

. . . . .

"Alright, Moonpaw! I think we're ready for a scrimmage! Featherear, are Turtlepaw and Oatpaw ready?" asked Velvetcloud, turning Moonpaw's mentor.

"As ready as they'll ever be," meowed Featherear. The older warrior stepped forward to stand beside the deputy.

"Now, this will be apprentices against warriors. You have until the sun hits the next branch to think of a plan," explained Velvetcloud, pointing to a tree close to the clearing. "Ready, set, go!"

"I know what we should do," exclaimed Oatpaw immediately. "Moonpaw and I will be the first attack. Turtlepaw, when I call your name, you'll jump out and act as a second patrol."

"I have a better idea!" said Turtlepaw, almost yowling, as she jumped up and down. "I'll climb that tree over there, and when you call my name, I'll jump down on top of them, like an owl!"

"Great plan! Let's go! The sun has moved!" hissed Moonpaw, gesturing towards the tree.

"Attack!" called the apprentices. Turtlepaw quickly scrabbled up a tree.

Oatpaw and Moonpaw launched themselves into battle. Oatpaw took on Featherear; Moonpaw took on Velvetcloud. As the red she-cat dove under her, Moonpaw leaped up, and came down as hard as she could on Velvetcloud. Velvetcloud let out a huff as the breath was driven out of her. Moonpaw churned at Velvetcloud's back with her hind paws, claws sheathed. Velvetcloud rolled, squishing Moonpaw under her.

At that moment Oatpaw called, "Turtlepaw!"

Turtlepaw launched herself out of the tree, headed for Velvetcloud. Moonpaw quickly slipped out of the green-eyed she-cat's grip to avoid being squashed by two cats.

As Turtlepaw took care of Velvetcloud, Moonpaw turned to Featherear and Oatpaw. Oatpaw had just kicked Featherear off of him, and together both apprentices dove at her, swiping and kicking.

"Retreat!" called Velvetcloud. The two warriors ran off.

"Is this a trick?" wondered Moonpaw. The apprentices seemed to have won too easily.

"It must be! We just learned that it's a good countermove for MeadowClan!" meowed Oatpaw.

"We have to be prepared," Turtlepaw stated. She swept her tail low over the dirt. "How about some tree climbing?"

"Yes!" chorused Moonpaw and Oatpaw.

"I'll climb this birch. Find another tree, quick!" said Moonpaw. The white bark would help hide her light silver pelt well.

"Got it." Turtlepaw and Oatpaw raced off, leaping up like rabbits into the trees.

As Moonpaw adjusted herself, she heard a battle cry, and Velvetcloud and Featherear both raced into the clearing. Confused, they glanced around.

"Oatpaw? Moonpaw? Turtlepaw? Are you okay?" came Velvetcloud's worried voice.

"Attack!" called Oatpaw. The apprentice jumped down onto the warriors, screeching.

Both Turtlepaw and Moonpaw had decided separately to head for Velvetcloud, so they crashed into each other as well as the russet warrior.

"Okay, fine! Get off, you great lumps!" Velvetcloud yowled.

As the two young cats backed off, Velvetcloud stood up and padded over to stand in front of the three.

Apprentices, that was great. The attack was well planned, and noticing that we had left for a suspicious amount of time also was great. However, you should plan where you're jumping before you go. Oatpaw and Moonpaw, you could have ended up wounding each other instead of the enemy. Remember that. Amazing training session, all of you. I'll make sure Hawkstar hears about this. Oatpaw, Turtlepaw, I might have to recommend you as warriors to our leader, too."

At first, Moonpaw felt a flare of happiness at the fact that the deputy thought they had done well, then it sank that Turtlepaw and her littermates would leave her yet again.

"Congratulations!" Moonpaw managed to purr, glancing at her friends.

"Thank you! We'll miss training with you, though," added Turtlepaw when she saw Moonpaw's face.

"It'll be alright. I don't want to ruin this big moment for you by being a grouch! Let's get back to camp. It might be the last time we do before you become warriors!"

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