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NEVAEH looked at me.

"You going to be okay on your own?"

Rain sucked in a shaky breath.

"I'll be fine, beside I won't be on my own now will I?" She said while a smirk formed on her rosey lips, only to wince a little at the pain.

"Alright, but you guys can't go too... far." Nevaeh said.

Rain knew exactly what she meant so she nodded her head and watched as Nevaeh left the room. Rain leaned her head against the bathtub and closed her eyes while taking in shaky breaths.

Her ears picked up on heavy footsteps and then the bathroom door slammed open, if it was even possible the room heated up. She opened her eyes and looked at Keith who stared back with a hard look on his face.

His eyes drifted off towards her body and she noticed his canines peeking out as he licked his lip, a low growl broke out and his eyes clashed with hers, Rain gulped. His stare held hers as he took close steps towards her and she trembled a little under his intense stare.

He leaned in and buried his face in her neck as he inhaled, Rain took in slow, shaky breaths. Her eyes closing in satisfaction as she let out a soft sigh.

"I still hate you..." She whispered.

She was cut off with a hand wrapping around her throat and she gasped as he smashed his lips against hers in an angry kiss.

"I know." He muttered against her lips and proceeded to carry on his task, his lips were hard against her and Rain could taste her blood.

Rain couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips, he pulled away while licking the blood off her lips and grinning in satisfaction, she glared at him.

"I hate that you have an effect on me, and you are definitely not forgiven."

He smirked, his eyes drifting towards her chest as it rose and lowered at a fast pace, he reached for her bra and unclasped it, then he tugged the material off and looked at her.

"I know."

And then he latched his mouth onto her left nipple which made Rain arch her back and moan, He climbed into the bathtub with her and started kissing his way up towards her neck, he growled possessively when he reached the mark, his canines extending but Rain pulled away while panting.

"Y-you're not marking me, I won't let you."

Keith's eyes connected with hers, they were flickering from gold to black and he growled, she let out a squeal as he gripped onto both her wrists and pulled it above her head. He started kissing harshly along her neck, leaving bruised hickeys.

Rain moaned and her eyes rolled to the back of her head as he sunk his canines over her mark, she shivered in pleasure. Slowly she started to grind her hips against his and he held onto her mark with a tight grip.

A rumble broke out through his chest while vibrating right to her core, Rain closed her eyes as she fastened her pace. His eyes darkened in lust as he started to move his hips against hers in a rhythmic pace.

"I want you." She moaned. "Now."

She rubbed against his shaft roughly and her canines extended, she was too far into the lust and desire that she couldn't care less anymore, she just wanted him.

Keith groaned.

"We can't, you'll get pregnant."

Rain growled.

"I don't care, just fuck me." Rain demanded.

Keith shook his head, Rain was frustrated and smashed her lips against his while exploring her mouth, the kiss was anything but gentle, in fact it was more hot and demanding. Rain's core pulsed, ached with need, a need for him.

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