The Breakout

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This is man is so fine y'all I can't. Look at the picture above like UGHHHH😩😩😩😩💦💦💦🤜🥩🧴

this chapter has rape so if u no like just skip.


Chaos agent and Midas. Two of the most well known people on this island. Mainly because they are always fighting against each other. Trying to see who's gonna tap out first.

Well, unfortunately for Ego,Alter took one of their most valuable people. And by most valuable I mean Midas.

Three days ago,Ego agents and a couple of henchman went on a mission. They were planning to take over another Alter base and convert it to Ego.

But alas,it backfired. And when it did the Shadow henchman were able to swoop in and take Midas. How?I don't fucking know. I'm just making stuff up as I go.

Midas sat on the floor. On his knees and his hands cuffed around a pole. Ten Shadow operatives surrounded him in the cold room. Making sure he couldn't do anything.

He wasn't necessarily afraid. He's killed a shit ton of people before. But they weren't heavily armed. Something these people were.

It was quiet. And no one was talking. Midas was bored out of his mind. Thinking about Meowscles and his big,thick-

Snap out of it Midas!Now is not the time.
He shook his head and ridded himself of the thought.

Midas cleared his throat. "So why did you-"
Before he could finish, every henchman in the room pointed their weapons at Midas. They let their finger hover above the trigger.

Midas chuckled. "Jesus. I'm just trying to talk. I just wanna ask some questions."

"Shut your mouth before we blow your head off. Boss will be here any minute."


"CHAOS IF YOU CAN HEAR ME YOU'RE A BITCH."Midas yelled out. A henchman kicked him in his side. Making him cough a bit. He roughly gripped his hair and forcefully turned Midas's head so he could face him.

Midas sat there. Just smirking. He wanted to annoy the hell out of these guys.

"You sure are annoying. How do your agents put up with you?"He insulted. Midas laughed, clearly unfazed.

"You'd be surprised,loser."The other henchman in the room looked at him. Surprised as to how calm he was acting in this situation.

"...just you wait Midas. Everyone in this room has something in store just for you."He backed away. Standing where he was.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean???"Midas rasped. He sat there, thinking about how he's supposed to escape so he could kill everybody in this damn room.

As Midas continued plotting a route to escape from,he heard the doorknob start to jiggle. Through the metal door came the poopy head,Chaos Agent.

Midas groaned and rolled his eyes. "Oh my gooddd. Seriously??This dude is super boring."He spat out. Averting his gaze.

Chaos Agent laughed. "Ohh Midas. It's only because I have to be. You're boring too."Midas scoffed. Now he was offended. He wouldn't have been if it was someone else insulting him but it was Chaos Agent.

"Shut up and tell me what you want from me. I don't have time for your games."

Chaos knelt down. Right in front of Midas. He put a hand on his cheek and Midas immediately moved his face away from him. "Don't touch me. Keep your gross, perverted hands to yourself."

"Midas I want you."

That sentence caught Midas so off guard. Even the henchman were staring at Chaos.

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