Career Day Part 2: Dads

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Yua was more excited for her dad than her mom cause she was a daddy's girl. When Deku walked in the room everyone raised their hand yelling 'pick me!'. First he went to hug his daughter and kiss her cheek. Then he went to the front of the class to answer questions. "Who was your inspiration growing up?" (Who's kid is that, Tenya's? What kindergartener speaks like that!?) He responded immediately, "All Might. I knew almost anything about him." The kid pointed out the window and said, "Like the statue out there. Midoriya ran to the window and started muttering. Yua sighed and dragged her dad to the front of the room.
Y/N was a bit scared about her husband going to his daughters school, but she wanted him to come so she let it happen. When he walked in the room, he picked up his daughter and walked to the front of the class, "If you mess with my daughter, you mess with me are we clear?" Everyone vigorously nodded their heads, even the teachers. Kamiko was smiling when her father set her down. "First question." A little boy raised his hand and Bakugo nodded at him. "How does it feel to lose to Deku?" You could literally see the irk mark that appeared on his head. "Ok, next question!" Kamiko said, knowing that topic bothered him to much.
Todoroki just walked in. That's all it took. The second he stepped foot in the classroom he had at least 4 girls asking for his autograph (including the teacher), and a bunch of boys trying to impress him. First he went to his kids and gave them a kiss, cause he's a good dad, then he went to the front of the room and prepared himself to answer kids questions about life. "Why did you become a hero?" "To prove my dad wrong." *Cue Akane laughing in the background* The teacher almost spit out her drink. It was ✨i c o n i c✨.
Hiro was so excited, he didn't care that his dad was an underground hero. I mean people knew who he was, but he was practically unknown compared to Red Riot, for example. When he came in Hiro ran to hug his father. "Hey buddy!" He picked Hiro up and hugged him. "I'm Hiro's dad and I'm a pro hero." The kids were obviously fascinated with him since they didn't really know who he was. "Why aren't you famous?" The last kid asked, "Well I wasn't in the hero course, so I had to work and train harder than most." The question kinda hurt, but he knows it's true, plus his family is in less danger compared to other heroes.
Emiko and Tamaki were both terrified. They hated attention. The only reason Tamaki ranks higher than Mirio is because people love how shy and humble he is. When he came in the boys all raised their hands. "Um, you." "Why are you so shy?" He turned red. " don't know." He's so nervous around kids, it's adorable.

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