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Scenario: Your oldest child(ren) was sleeping in their bed, when the sound of glass shattering rang out, breaking the silence....

Y/N woke up in the morning and went to go get her kids up for school, but she noticed her daughter's door was open and there was a cold gust of wind coming from inside. She slowly approached the room and prayed she had left the window open, but she saw her daughters' bed empty with books and toys scattered all over the floor. "Izuku! Yua's gone! She's not here! Oh my god..." She muttered the last part of the sentence as she leaned on the doorway for support. Deku had already called the cops. While on the phone, he guided Y/N back to bed so she could rest since she looked a bit sick. For days Y/N stayed in bed watching the news as stories about her daughter were always flashing across the screen. Deku was out with the Dekusquad looking for Yua. After a few days Uraraka got a lead and they located her. When Izuku saw his daughter he wasted no time picking her up and getting her out of there and back home. After a quick trip to the hospital to make sure she was ok (she was). The family moved a few weeks later. 

How long was she missing? 4 days

Katsuki woke up and noticed Y/N wasn't next to him, which immediately made him panic. He got out of bed and ran into her in the halls. "Suki somethings wrong, Kami's door is open and it feels really cold." He pushed his wife behind him and went into the room. When the cops got there the whole family was sent to a safe location, including Katsuki which pissed him off, but the police were scared he would lose his temper and mess something up. Y/N was sleeping on the couch since she was up all night waiting for something to happen. Eleanor was sleeping on Katsuki's chest while he watched the news waiting for updates. Suddenly a door opened and Bakugo turned and saw his oldest daughter standing in the doorway. Turns out the guy who kidnapped her was so scared of Katsuki that he turned himself in and returned Kamiko safely.

How long was she missing: 3 days

Todoroki practically flew out of his bed when he heard a loud shattering noise in the twins room. On his  way there he had grabbed his phone, which came into use when he was slide across his ice chasing after the man who had taken his children. He called Y/N (Multitasker damn-) and told her to grab Adeline and go to the police station. Shoto was able to get a good look at the kidnapper and an idea of where they were keeping Akane and Danny. Adeline was constantly crying and Todoroki walked the police through the events that night. Well, turns out Shoto was the one to actually find them. He, surprisingly, was able to hold himself back and didn't do anything besides detain them. Danuja was the first to run to his dad who picked him up and held him close. Akane was sitting on the ground, extremely quiet and shaking. Todoroki picked her up and brought the two of them outside. When the three came home Akane was first to run to her mother, when she fell into her mothers embrace it was the first she cried. 

How long were they missing? 2 weeks (sorry that's a long time I know 😭-)

Asami was screaming at the top of her lungs when she heard glass shatter. She didn't have much time to think before she was grabbed out of her bed. Kiri was at the door when he saw the man with his daughter jumping down from a window. He was going to jump down after them when Y/N  yelled at him, "Kiri no! It's too dangerous!" He turned around, looked back out the window, and sighed. She was right, he has no idea where they were going, how many people were involved, and that could put Asami in more danger. The next day they already had a ransom to pay, how much you ask? Only $1,000,000. Poor Y/N was broken, as was Kiri. Kirishima was furious and upset at the same time, but right now the furious part was winning. When someone reported seeing them at an old abandoned house, bitch, I kid you not Kiri RAN to that house and beat their asses. Asami was asleep, but she looked very weak which worried Eijiro. She was taken to the hospital and everything was fine, she was just going through a lot of trauma. 

How long was she missing? 1 week

I'm not gonna do this for hopefully obvious reasons.

No one in the house knew what had happened till morning. Lorelai was up first and went to wake up her parents up. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her foot. She screamed at the top of her lungs because of the pain. Surprisingly, Shinso woke up first and ran out of his room to see what was going on. Lorelai was laying down on the floor in front of Hiro's room. "What happened Rory?" He was freaking out, but still a bit groggy which helped him keep his composure. Lorelai pointed to her foot, when Shinso looked around her he noticed shards of broken glass. He picked up Lorelai and ran back to his and Y/N's room. "Y/N call the cops. Now." He didn't even need to check his son's room, he knew what had happened. After about two days the family had gotten a ransom note for $300,000, Y/N blamed herself for the whole situation, but Hitoshi assured her she couldn't have done anything. Finally the police were able to pinpoint where the letter was sent from and a description of the kidnappers. Let's just say when Shinso got his hands on them, well, they're lucky he didn't kill them right then and there. Hiro was surprisingly calm, and only cried when his mother was hugging him and crying at their house. 

How long was he missing? 5 days


Y/N immediately woke up at the sound of glass breaking, without think she sprang out of bed and ran down the halls, but Tamaki grabbed her. "Stay here." His voice was stern and honestly kind of terrifying. He slowly opened the door to Emiko's room. Instantly he panicked realizing what just happened, he ran to check on Haruto and grabbed him before running back to his wife. The next day it was all over the news, heroes were out everywhere looking for the little girl. Haruto was staying with Mirio and a  few other heroes stayed at the house to watch him. Poor Tamaki was worried out of his mind, he spent every hour of his day searching for her. Finally his efforts paid off when someone saw her with two men outside a diner using a payphone. When they found Emiko she was shaking and crying uncontrollably. Tamaki ran up to her and picked her up and showered her with kisses and held her. After that, the family moved to a more secure  house.

How long was she missing? 3 days  

Kamin put up one hell of a fight. He was kicking, yelling, pretty much making as much of a scene as possible. Hawks ran in with Y/N not far behind him, but both of them were gone. It took literal minutes for heroes to be out on the streets looking for Kamin. Y/N stayed at home trying to keep the triplets unaware of what's going on. The whole city was freaking out, the Hawks fangirls were going crazy. It didn't take long though, cause mere hours after he was officially missing, he flew back home and led the cops to where he was held captive. 

How long was he missing? 4 hours

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