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The family was driving to school when Yua noticed a bright flash. "Daddy what was that?" He knew what it was immediately. "It was a camera." She still couldn't grasp the idea of the press. When they pulled into the parking lot, their car was immediately surrounded by reporters. "Deku! Deku! Can I ask you a few questions?!" He ignored them and focused on getting his daughter to school safely. He walked in front of Y/N and ignored the reporters. Y/N knew he was mad, he does this when the kids are around. Y/N picked Hansuke up and followed close behind. Thankfully they go the kids in without trouble. "Should we leave through a different door?" "No they'll figure it out." He grabbed her hand and they pushed through the crowd. The next day they were all over the news.
Kamiko and Eleanor were playing in the backyard when they heard a noise, they turned and saw a group of reporters on the other side of the fence. Eleanor screamed and Kamiko hugged her. Katsuki and Y/N came running to see what was wrong. "Girls come here." They ran to their mother and hid behind her. "You have three fucking seconds to get out of my sight." Bakugo looked at the reporters with his most deadly glare. They ran. They ran as fast as they could. "Did they hurt you?" He asked looking at his daughters. Eleanor just ran to hug him.
The next day all anyone could talk about was Bakugo and his kids. Y/N posted a statement explaining what happened and if someone else attempted that they would have several lawsuits to deal with.
The press is all over this family, today the couple got to visit Adeline's preschool with other parents. The press heard about this and crowded in front of the school. "Dammit." Todoroki muttered when they parked. "Akane, Danny can you get your sister?" They nodded and helped Adeline out of her seat. Shoto got out of the car and created an ice barrier on both sides of the family so they could walk to the school the day after practically all of the reporters were facing a lawsuit.
Asami was with Kai on the balcony of their house when a bright light caught their attention, "Dad! Mom!" Kirishima came in and Y/N followed behind. The light flashed again and the parents exchanged a look. "Guys come inside." Kirishima led them in while Y/N called their lawyer.
"Look Mom we're on the news!" Asami said excited. Y/N ran to the TV and she was right, "What Life For Pro Hero, Red Riots Kids Looks Like" She smiled at Asami and went to her husband. "They made a story on us with the pictures they illegally took." He dropped his phone and came downstairs to look at the TV. "Should we call the station?" Y/N shrugged. In the end the company got rid of the photos.
Hiro and Lorelai were standing at the school entrance waiting for their parents, when a group of reporters came up to them. Lorelai, who hates crowds, hid behind her brother. He shielded her and tried not to yell at them. His dads career could be ruined if he yelled at reporters. After a few agonizing moments, he saw his parents car. "Rory they're here." She stopped crying and looked her her parents. Shinso was livid. He couldn't stand to see his kids so distressed. "Everyone clear out!" He scared the shit out of them, so they obeyed him. He picked up Lorelai and Y/N got Hiro. "You did great Hiro." She whispered while they walked back.
The next morning the front page news was Shinso yelling at reporters. "This is complete bullshit!" He was pacing his room. "Honey just make a public statement about invasion of privacy, or how Lorelai had a hard time with crowds." He sighed, "Yeah you're right, as always." She smiled, kissed his cheek, and went downstairs.
I honestly cannot think of anything, this is the most wholesome family no one in the press would want to hurt them.
He is always nice to the press, unless they attack his family. The press loves his kids, but they don't really like his wife. They bash her because all his fangirls hate her so they'll read it. Usually it's just criticizing her clothes, but one day she was in her house and since it was that time of the month (if ykyk) she was crying because of mood swings and stuff. Some reporter got a picture of it and that became a front page story. The headline was "Hawks's wife crying after he finds out she cheated." The next day, Hawks had a press conference, he said that didn't happen and said that if anyone took photos of her on their property, they would never take another photo. Later that night he cheered her up 😏. (I'm sorry-)

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