When Angels Fall

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(Picture above is Violet in When Angels Fall. I can't put in werewolf ears and tail, so just picture that she has black, fuzzy ones, with blue tips that fade to purple in the middle, then to black normal on the bottom, the part connecting to her head. Kay? kay.)


"Garroth---I see him!"

Garroth comes up behind me with his fluffy blonde ears out and moving fast, listening intently for the approaching sounds of a boat. "I don't see him----but you're right, I hear a boat coming!"

My heightened senses can detect the sounds of shots being fired fast and hard, trying and failing to stop something made of strong metal. The boat's speed increases, roaring loudly as it shoots through the water. I smell smoke when suddenly---

"There!" Garroth points to the cove, where a boat has just exploded and released a smaller, faster speedboat that is whizzing past the GF blockade and right for our little shore. It somehow keeps going, even on the sand, until it hits a jagged step-up and flips, dumping a guy I vaguely remember from college onto the sand. Bullets hit the sand in a hailstorm, sending little grains flying all around us as the guy ducks behind a large stone.

I move behind him, trying not to be seen by the GF. He turns in surprise and gets in a defensive position, his sunglasses sending a glare across my vision.

"Wait, wait!" I yell, holding my hands up in surrender. "They've sent us for you!"

"They?" He questions in a deep voice, but Garroth is tugging on my hand in alarm.

"No time!" Garroth says. "We've gotta go!"

Sunglasses guy seems to debate internally for a second, but just then a bullet misses us by inches and he makes his decision. "GO!"

Garroth and I turn on heel, both of our senses working overtime to try and detect GF scents from the bullets flying around us so we can avoid the patrols all over the bay. Garroth squeezes my hand as we race for the ransacked house as fast as we can, the guy toting a large suitcase behind us. Our plan is to wait at the old house until the GF have passed, and hope they didn't see us come inside. While we run, Sunglasses pauses multiple times, looking around the house until we finally stop in the kitchen/living room area.

I think back to a few weeks ago, when a run like that would have winded me far more than it has now. Back then, I wouldn't be able to smell the scent of smoke coming from a few miles away, souvenirs of vandalists trying to protest their prolonged stay here and of Sunglasses' ruined boat in the harbor. Then, I wouldn't be able to hear the sound of Sunglasses' restrained pants as he tries to subtly recover from the long run.

And then, I wouldn't have fluffy black ears and tail, tipped with a royal purple that fades to blue the color of Zane's eyes at the tips. Nobody can figure out why the blue. Everybody thought the purple was because of my eyes, but the blue...

Garroth takes out his phone and starts trying to call. My heart drops when I see that nothing is connecting.

"Maybe if we just leave now, we could---" I start.

"Stop!" Sunglasses commands. "My specific instructions were to wait here, at this villa. But this place looks ransacked... and empty."

"I can explain that." I volunteer. "I'm sure you've met the GF."

"Ohhhhh, nooooo, the bullets and ship barricades are part of Starlight's newest ride!" Sunglasses guy says sarcastically.

"Hey, don't talk to her that way!" Garroth snaps. "We're trying to help!"

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