Chapter Fourteen

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     Ratstar's new sounded from on top of his den. His clan immediately stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to him.

     "The cats who will be attending the Gathering are: Pollenheart, Emberface, Nightpaw, Marshpaw, Duskfeather, Sootpaw, Ivyfang and Eggsplash. We will leave at dusk."



     The chosen cats were assembled at the entrance to the camp, awaiting their leader. Buzzardwhisker padded behind Ratstar, with Nectarpaw hopping just behind. Bumblescar was in the back, with Eggsplash waiting in front of him. The apprentices were bouncing energetically behind Buzzardwhisker and their mentors were following them. Ratstar bounded out of the hollow and made his way across his territory. The Gathering Hollow was close by, and not much walking was required. They made it there last, and SunClan settled down for the Gathering.

     Sootpaw spotted his litter mates and bounded over to them. They stared at him in shock.

     "Sootpaw!" Flashpaw hissed. Willowpaw thrust her muzzle into her brother's shoulder fur and purred loudly.

     "It's good to see you."

     Cheetahclaw turned his head to look at his former apprentice. His face was contorted into a look of sadness and confusion. MoonClan hadn't known what had happened to their apprentice, but now was as good a time as ever to find out. He could feel their gazes boring into him as heads turned in his direction. Clawstar found the source of all the eyes and spoke up.

     "Let the Gathering begin!" He stepped up to the front of the rock in the center of the clearing. His new rang out loud and clear and heads swiveled in his direction.

     Clawstar started the gathering. "MoonClan has had good hunting and is prepared for the harsh leafbare."

     Rainstar took his place at the foot of the rock.

     "CloudClan has two new warriors: Gingercloud and Briartail."

     The clans cheered for the new warriors and the gathering continued. Ratstar went last, concluding the meeting.

     "SunClan took part in a battle against the mountain cats. They are pushing at the boundaries. But SunClan pushed back and no lives were lost."

     As the gathering ended, cats spread out into small groups to gossip about clan news. Sootpaw strayed from his former clan and tried to communicate with the other clans to no avail. His mind was on his family. He could only imagine what they thought when he disappeared. And only to find out he had joined SunClan. He had heard that Featherfoot was sick, and her kits were getting weaker, but other than that the MoonClan cats were fine. Hazekit was taking a liking to herbs, which was probably the right way to go.

     Sootpaw wished he could see the kits, but his place was with SunClan. And he would always be loyal to the clan that took him in during his time of need. Ratstar gave the signal to leave and Sootpaw gave his tail a flick to signal to Clawstar that he was leaving. His former clan leader looked as though he wanted to follow, but he didn't. Sootpaw followed his clanmates back to their camp and went straight to his nest.

     Closing his eyes, he was pulled into unconsciousness and opened his eyes to the knowing light of StarClan.

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