Chapter Eighteen

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Cindersplash congratulated Flowerpaw on her catch of a trout and squirrel. Marshpaw had caught a minnow and squirrel. Sootpaw deposited his catch of mouse and carp onto the pile. Ivyfang gave a nod of approval before whispering something in Bumblescar's ear. Exchanging a look, the three warriors nodded once and headed off in the direction of camp. All six cats took a piece of prey and bounded back home.

Bumblescar took the lead, with Cindersplash and Ivyfang at the back. Each cat carried one piece of prey. Ratstar was lying outside his den, watching the arriving patrol. He motioned over to the three warriors with his tail and they sped over to him after dropping their prey on the freshkill pile. Here we go! I'm going to become a proper warrior! I wonder if Willowpaw and Flashpaw have been made warriors.
Sootpaw was interrupted from his thoughts when Flowerpaw bumped into him.

"Sootpaw! So? What do you think they're saying? Did we pass?"

"Of course we did, you fleabrain!"

Flowerpaw playfully pushed his shoulder with a paw. The two sat in silence for a while, until Ratstar leaped atop of the tallstone.

"All cats gather beneath the tallstone for a clan meeting."

Buzzardwhisker creeped out of his den, with Pollenpaw just behind. Ebonyfoot and Echowing padded out of the elders den, grumbling about being woken up. Marshpaw and Flowerpaw sat on a row directly beneath the tallstone.

"I, Ratstar, leader of SunClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand your noble code and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn"

Ratstar looked proudly around at his clan mates. "Marshpaw, Flowerpaw, Sootpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your lives?"

Sootpaw held his head high with pride. "I do." Marshpaw and Flowerpaw replied in unison. "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Marshpaw, from this day forward, you shall be known as Marshfall. StarClan honors your integrity and courage and welcomes you as a full warrior of SunClan."

Marshfall gave his chest fur a nervous lick before turning his head to Flowerpaw.

"Flowerpaw, from this day on, you shall be known as Flowerface. StarClan honors your kindness and wisdom and welcomes you as a full warrior of SunClan."

"Sootpaw, from this day forward, you will be known as Sootfur. StarClan honors your loyalty and determination and welcomes you as a full warrior of SunClan."

The clan roared with yowls of congratulation.

"Marshfall! Flowerface! Sootfur!"

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