Chapter Twenty-Three

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     The gray tabby spoke clearly, addressing all the clans.
     "I apologize for MoonClan's tardiness. Clawstar and Splashfoot are dead. MoonClan has lost many warriors. But a worthy cat has accepted leadership. I am Klaus. I have three kits who have grown up in the clans: Sootpaw, whom may be a warrior, Willowstripe and Flashrunner."
     Gasps racked the clans in waves and Sootfur received many glares and judging glances. His litter mates were receiving the same treatment. It was then that Sootfur realized that the only true MoonClan cats to make it to the gathering were his brother and sister. The rest were rogues, obviously brought by Klaus. Willowstripe cast Sootfur a mournful glance, before returning to glare at her father. He was pacing back and forth now, his tail shipping wildly, lecturing about how kin should work together.
     Sootfur still couldn't wrap his mind around the thought of Klaus being leader. He wasn't even a clan cat! And he had a growing suspicion that he was up to no good.
     His father continued, "I will travel to the moonstone to receive my true name. Until then, I will be called Bumbleheart. My comrades will receive warrior names when I deem it fitting. I promise to bring MoonClan back to it's natural glory, and join the clans as one!"
     The crowd roared in protest, and Klaus's friends clawed cat's ears to shut them up. Sootfur remained where he was until the gathering came to an end. There would be no tongue sharing tonight. Sootfur wanted to leave. His father, Kla-Bumbleheart, caught up to him as he was exiting the hollow. He rubbed his muzzle against his son's and Sootfur had to do everything in his power not to pull away in disgust.
     "Hello Sootpaw."
     "My name is Sootfur."
     "No need to get hasty now. I was just saying hello to my son. Don't I have that right?"
     Sootfur sneered and continued to walk away. Bumbleheart let him walk. For it would be all too soon when he reclaimed his kin. And the precious clans with him. He was going to destroy the clans and make them pay for taking his children from him.

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