Chapter Twenty-One

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     Buzzardwhisker stopped his rambling and sent Nectarpaw away to alert Ratstar. Sootfur flinched as the medicine cat took his leg and pulled it straight. Sootfur yelped in pain, but heard a satisfying snap as his bone was set back in its socket.
     "Sorry. We couldn't do it while you were asleep. I was worried you wouldn't heal."
     Ratstar nearly bundled into his medicine cat as he shoved into the den. The den was getting stuffy, as it was only meant to hold one or two cats along with the herbs. Despite the lack of room to move, Ratstar carried an aura of relief about him. He took on look at Sootfur and shuffled over to his side.
     "Sootfur. I am glad you have awakened. You must be hungry." He swiveled his head towards the apprentice medicine cat and ordered her to receive a piece of prey for Sootfur. He tried to decline, but Nectarpaw was already out of the den.
     The vigil. I never completed it. Does that mean I am not a real warrior? Sootfur shook his head to clear his thoughts. Instead he let his mind wander to his mother. She had been with him. But she was different. She no longer smelled like warm milk and fresh prey and crisp grass. She smelled like death and crowfood and rot. Did something happen to her? Was she punished for killing Ratstar? Questions raced through his head, and he barely noticed when Flowerface bowled into him, with Marshfall just behind. He hasn't even realized he had been walking. He fell to the ground with an oof.
    He got to his paws and pushed past the two warriors without saying anything. Still, they were persistent.
     "Hey Sootfur! I'm glad you're alright."
     "Yeah I was worried about you. We all were."
     Sootfur merely grunted as he sauntered off towards the warriors den.
     "Oh! I nearly forgot! I made a new for you! With feathers and soft moss! Its right next to mine!" Flowerface meowed.
     This made the black tom freeze and sigh. He had been tired, even though he had been asleep for quite a long time. His memory was fuzzy, but what he did remember was the battle yester-no. Two sunrises ago. And it was crisp in his head.
     "Thank you Flowerface. I'm going to rest now."
     Other than the faint fall of her smile, she remained just the same. Her brother Marshfall seemed confused as to why Sootfur wouldn't want to sleep any longer. But he didn't say anything.
     Sootfur padded into the warriors den. Only Emberface and Cedarclaw remained in their dens. Every cat else was busy doing patrols or basking in the early newleaf sun. Emberface lifted his head as Sootfur walked to his nest. Then settled down again. Sootfur picked out Flowerface's scent against the rest of them and fell into the clean nest just beside it. Marshfall was right, it was soft.
     Exhaustion swept over the tom in waves and he soon found himself plunged in a dream.
     A bird chirped in the distance, and Sootfur was racing away from the sound. A smell filled the air, acrid and horrible. Then he saw the source. A fire blazed over MoonClan territory. He could hear the yowls of cats, terrified as they tried to escape. Without a second thought, Sootfur raced into the forest to rescue them. Featherfoot and her kits! He saw a flash of silver as Featherfoot attempted to escape. A bundle rested between her jaws. It was Hazekit. Pebblekit laid just in front of her paws. The other kits were nowhere to be seen. Hurrying over to her, Sootfur snatched up Pebblekit and took off towards the border. Featherfoot followed, a grim expression on her face. Sootfur made it to safety and placed Pebblekit on the cool grass, still in touch by the licking flames. Then he turned to the queen.
     "Where are the others?"
     "Oh Sootpaw! I was the last out. My kits are safe, but I don't know where my clan is."
     "It's Sootfur now. I'll find them. Stay out of the flames."
     He raced away once more, dodging the hungry flames. He tried opening his jaws to smell the air, but smoke filled his lungs. A cry rang out in the air a heartbeat later. Following the mournful sound, he reached Featherfoot, with all four of her kits. Then he saw why she had cried. The whole of MoonClan lay at her paws, slaughtered. The sight was horrible. Mintkit and Stormkit whimpered as their mother pushed them back with her tail. There was no time to waste. The fire was closing in on them. Fast.
     Sootfur ordered Mintkit to Clim on his back and hold on. When the kit was secured he held Hazekit by her scruff. Featherfoot had mimicked his movements with Pebblekit and Stormkit and the cats hurried off to the river. Sootfur made it there safely. Hazekit and Mintkit hovered near the water. Sootfur turned around and couldn't find Featherfoot. Then he knew. A wall of flames separated Featherfoot from the river. He could hear her kits wailing in alarm. I have to jump. Sootfur readied himself to leap across, but had no time. Featherfoot hurled her two remaining kits trough the barricade and the landed heavily on the damp ground. They were coughing, but alright. Sootfur waited for Featherfoot to make the journey, but she didn't come.
     "Come on Featherfoot! Jump!"
     Sootfur leaped into the flames and found Featherfoot lying in the dirt. Ash covered her fur, and burns scorched the lower have of her body. Her breaths were shallow. He shook her to get her up, but the world started to shake.
     Then Sootfur opened his eyes. Cedarclaw was hovering over him, annoyance clear in his eyes.
     "Would you stop meowing in your sleep! Your keeping me up."

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