Chapter Twenty

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Some SunClan cats howled in victory, and others slumped to the ground exhausted. Sootfur was among the few who fell over. Flowerface rushed over to the black tom and at seeing her, Sootfur said, "We won." It seemed more like a question than a statement, but it would have to do.
Sootfur awoke in his dreams to his mother standing over him. She was different. Her fur no longer a home with stars and her breath stank like crowfood. The place around them was dank and musty. Turning to Nightleaf, Sootfur realized she was talking.
" you have to wake up and fight this!"
She sighed. "You're dying. I cannot do anything but you can. So fight it!"
Before Sootfur could ask her about Ratstar's death, she faded away and Sootfur was left in the dark. He closed his eyes once more and waited until he felt the cool air on his pelt. When it finally arrived, he opened his eyes to the dim light in the medicine den. The smell of herbs was overwhelming, bit calming. Nectarpaw hovered over Sootfur, almost too close for comfort. At his awakening, she jumped in alarm and raced outside.
She returned a moment later with Buzzardwhisker and he rushed to his side.
"Sootfur? Sootfur are you alright?"
"I-I think so. Why wouldn't I be?"
Buzzardwhisker hesitated. "You have been asleep for two sunrises."
Sootfur tried to stand. It didn't work. He toppled over sideways painfully. Grunting in pain, Sootfur stayed where he lay and listened to Buzzardwhisker talk.
"I was worried we wouldn't be able to wake you. Your life was in StarClan's paws. Do you remember anything?"
Sootfur took a glance at Nectarpaw, then at Buzzardwhisker. He had already told Ratstar, he might as well tell the medicine cats.
"I always do. This isn't the first time I have visited StarClan. Nightleaf, my mother speaks to me constantly. Ratstar knows. The prophecy you received about six moons ago, it was intended for me."
Buzzardwhisker looked taken aback, while Nectarpaw looked on confused.
"What does he mean Buzzardwhisker? Only leaders and Medicine cats speak with our ancestors!"
"I don't know. It is unusual, bit not entirely impossible. Long ago, before my time, there was a she-cat. This she-cat is said to have spoken with Starclan many times, even though she wasn't necessarily supposed to. She kept it a secret for the longest time, until someone discovered her secret. It turns out, she was going to save the clans from the dark forest. But that is only a story."
Sootfur listened intently to the medicine cats words, his eyes filled with awe. Maybe it wasn't so bad being able to speak with Starclan.

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