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Tagged by: Robo_Head1.


- I may or may not be dyslexic. I mean I used to have it on paper but not anymore (idk why) and with the kind of mistakes I make it's kinda hard for me to not be.

- Sometimes I forget a word for something in my own language but I know the word in English which is infuriating at times.

2. No.

3. Look at 2.

4. Check 3.

5. I don't really have one. My mom often calls me 'Mała' which means small/little since I'm younger and slightly shorter than my sister. In English it would probably little one.

6. When they cancel something last minute multiple times. I understand if they do it once or if the few times are really apart in time, after all things happen and sometimes you can't do anything about it.

But when it happens consistently, I feel like they don't really care about me. It's like they're silently saying to me: ''I have something better to do with my time than hanging out with you.'' and I hate it.



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8. Um.... I have a good figure I guess? I mean I definitely like it, and I had few people complement me about it so I guess it's good.

9. Three, trzy, tre. Though I'm not fluent in Italian.

10. I already did this so, no.

11. Nah, don't feel like it.

Oh! And a little announcement. I'm like in the middle of finishing a new one shot so it should be ready later today or tomorrow. So see ya then! Bye~

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