Chapter 2, gathering up momentum, and a meeting with Ulfric.

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They left the temple with aldrin's wall. I told them I wanted to pick up a few friends to pad our roster. We met Lydia and Inigo, then they went to winterhold,  they traveled by carriage because it was deemed faster than walking, once there, they found jezargo they asked if he would join them on a great adventure where his magic could be of some use. Jesargo, this one thinks maybe, or maybe not. Inigo, Jesargo when it comes to making a decision your like a fish always flip-flopping around MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

|This snapped Jezargo out of his quandary and he said "actually I have been wanting to get into some action, however, what are you fighting for. Inigo, Show him I showed him my birth mark, and he backed away, the thalmore said they killed you. So they lied to us, trying to pull the wool over our eyes is not the way to curry favor with your so called allies. This one will join your band of soldiers and friends.

Inigo, alright now we are no longer just a gang, now were a posse. But what we need is to become an army. Just then 2 of the Daedra who are considered good. Azura and Miridea and two of the Aedra Akatosh, and Mara. Azura, "It is time for the ending of the white gold Concorded its twilight is nigh. Meridia, I have heard the cry of my worshipers. How the thalmor attack random citizens for being in the way. How they like to torture people to get knowledge, and confessions out of them. We two have turned our backs on them. Azura, they have been courting my vengeance for the past 65 years. Mara, they do not show love to their enemies, they treat them worse than a dog. They would turn in their own mother if they wanted to.

Akatosh said "you are my child because you have my dragon blood, which I gave to saint Elesia all those years ago. I had not foreseen that you would desire to rule the continent as Dragonborn. Honestly, I was hoping you would kill Parthanax. But you didn't, and now I'm glad you didn't. Because your machinations have landed you in a place where you can take on the thalmor. Use your mind as well as your blade, think strategically, and victory will be your I grant you knowledge of all dragon shouts. Mara, I will bless you with the adoration of millions. Meridia, I will bless you with the ability to make thalmor spies go blind upon seeing your birthmark. As well as my blade dawnbreaker.

They disappeared, and they continued on, collecting travelers who were going to join either side. They ended up with an army of about 250 Esbern and Delfine, trained them to how to be blades. They came upon a thalmor brigade transporting a prisoner. One of them said "Out of our way citizens... Oh shit. . they attacked all but one the regard female that was thankful she said her name was Ro'sera Klaysetha I handed her, her twin scimitars. She thanked me. She touched my cheek. "where are you off too.thos bastards killedl my wolf that I had trained to be my guide. I rased Brodis up from a puppy after I found him licking his dead mother. Just then a carriage pulled up and an old woman slowly got off. "I am olive the feeble she said, I have come to tell you your fortunes.

I stepped up she said, "Your plans will succeed, all though it will be a long hard-fought battle. You will succeed. And you there blind redgauard warrior, your name is Ro'sera, even though the wolf you lost when the taller killed him is no more, in the city of Markarth there is a woman who is dying, and her markarth dog bear is about to die after it gave birth to only 1 puppy. It has been taking care of it for 5 months. She hasn't named it yet. Because she hasn't defined its gender. Now that I have given your fortunes, I must go back to whiten and rest. I walked up to the driver and handed him 300 septims. And told him, "Make sure that she gets to her home, and do not stop until she is in her house. It took a lot of energy, to do this. If I find out that you haven't done what I asked I will be greatly displeased.

Ro'sera your damn right you milk drinker, get that old lady back to her home. Now get. Olava you take care now. She was talking to air, for Olava was fast asleep. Ro'sera "she's fast asleep isn't she. I smiled and said, "she may not be able to chop logs in real life, but she can sure do when she sleeps.just then they were surrounded by some stormecloak archers. "now what is this then, enough people for a small army. I removed my helmet. Ralof, "by the gods, I remember you, you were on that carriage with myself Ulfric, and that horse thief who by running away got himself killed.

I showed him my birthmark, Ralf "by Ismir, you. Your a descendent of tales aren't you/ I said My name is Jarkin Septim. One of the archers cried out in pain, I said Miridia blessed me so that if any thalmor spies should see my birthmark they would go blind. Ralof laughed, boys grab our sneak, and let's interrogate him.Ro'sera, please let me kill him, his people killed my wolf that I raised from a pup. Not only that I trained him to be a guide dog. Ralof smiled a wicked smile. "have at the ponsey little milk drinker

She walked up to the thalmor who had been blinded by meridian blessing by the throat and popped him one square in the mouth "shut your mouth you wicked little twit. Your people killed my fucking wolf guide dog. And I want blood vengeance the Talmor spy spat in her face and said "shut the hell up wolf fucker. At this, she sliced his head off with there twin scimitars. Using them like scissors. When he had been decapitated, she cleaned her swords on his fir armor and said "may oblivion take you. The longer Ro'serra and I spent together, the more time she and I fell more and more in love with each other, and she would even teach me sword techniques.

We became closer and closer in a short amount of time, one day, she and I decided to get engaged, I bought her a silver amethyst ring of swordsmanship. And I proposed I told her it had a double enchantment, plus 25 to sword welders, and plus 10 to dual wielding. She said "swords aren't the only combat skill I'm good at, but it's my favorite type of combat because its visceral. They continued on to Windhelm. And into the jarls palace Ulfric "Ralof what is the meaning of this, why aren't you out patrolling your camp. Ralof, look at his birthmark. Ulfric by the nine, the true heir to the throne. I asked him to end your campaign agains the empire. For there will never be an independent Skyrim. Ralof, he's right you know, if he stops up, and destroys the white gold Concorde all we have done will be for not.

Ro'sera smiled, "Just say the word, and I'll split him like a salmon. Ralof, you know our fort is where the majority of your forces are. We have been in contact with the other camps, and they said what we do they will follow. Because we encounter two of the other camps. Jarkin septim makes a good point.we are only seeking independence from the empire because of the thalmor he stood up, "he can't do that if he's dead. Ro'sera quickly got behind him and lopped his head off. Nobody messes with my man. Let's move on

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