Chapter 10 aftermath,

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word spread of the treaty and how it changed everything over the last

sesquicentennial.imperial soldiers stormed the newly captured province, but the high elves were transformed, Azura had done this to them as she had the dunMer you are no longer alter. Their once golden Hugh replaced with red skin, because they as a species had thought they were better than anyone else, and they had committed so many atrocities. And murders had changed to blood red, with yellow eyes. Those wood elves who aided the high elves saw their forests shrivel, up and I and they changed as well. They became the grey elves or the stone elves

Lydia served the court until she was 65. When she died in her sleep, by then her husband who she met after the fight, an imperial soldier named Arcturus, had died, and they had a son together, his Thame was Blythe bone breaker. He took over his mother's job. Jarkin and Ro'sea had 2 children of their own, one named Parthanax, and the other named Camilla, a woman he was infatuated with until he med Ro'sera,

However, Ro'sera outlived Jarkin, and Jarkin, not forcing his kids to Mary into royalty Lucia meta a man who wooed her, whom she found out was dragonborn, who could light the dragon fires. However Luchia didn't last but 3 years as empress, the other 6 children called married out of the family.sending letters to their mom the former empress,

The first of the two twins parhthanax was crowned, when the dragon on which the young emperor was named heard of this, and bid the graybeards good bye as he went to meet the kid whom shared his name. They met, Emperor parthanax septim looked up into the old dragons eyes, and he knew this was the creature he was named after. Parthanax trained him in the way of the voice, and then flew back to high hrothgar, where the gray beards met him and celebrated at his return, he was able to light the dragon lights, Ro'sera died in her sleep at age 128. 5 years after her husband. Meanwhile when parthanax came back he saw another dragon. A good dragon a lady dragon, they were both very old, but she laid her couch of age. They lasted just enough to teach them every think about the dragon tongue and basc tamrielic. Before parthanax died, he asked master ranger to send a letter to the young emperor telling him that he had just met a female dragon named Dovariel and they had 12 baby dragons 8 male 4 female


He gave permission to use all these names for his ofspring. Which he did, his first born son was named Arthanax, the septim dynasty had lasted until the 6th era, where many forgot about the old ways, this was when the blood elves and the stone elves started to take revenge, after eras, they had waited. however, the dweller had shared their technology, and they were ready to end this war as soon as it started, a dweller weapons master, said "sir, I have a weapon that will make them think twice about rising up against us, he showed him a missile, "sir this missile, the weapons maker said uses nuclear fusion to obliterate enemies. We don't Have to use it, but just the threat of its use is enough to stop them in their tracks, he said, let the news know about this. Cicero, who' was placed in a soul gem after death and that placed in a robotic body, said "sir, I read up on this, the splitting of the atom causes massive radiation, and its deadly painful if your not at ground zero, and it would destroy all of western tamale, the then ruler, Jarkin septim the 5 said "Cicero old buddy, we don't want to use it, we want to use it as a means of ensuring these blood and stone elves don't decide that to pull another altmery dominos, and make a sequel to the white gold Cocordat.

Cicero, oh, its a real missile, but a bluff, your going to use it as a consequence if they try to go back to their old ways

I like it, when the news spread, the blood and stone elves heard of the nuclear missile and recanted on their plans to attack mainland tamriel, they knew they could never beat the emperor. However deep in the miner reaches of the superset aisle a mutation was occurring in 1 in every. 200 members of the blood elf race. As children were getting older, they were losing their blood red skin tone, and slowly regaining their golden tone of yesteryear. These people were christened part of the new thalmor. These people which were 40 million strong were working on their own nuclear weaponry, the thalmor was rising again from the ashes.

The end

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