Chapter 4 meeting of the former blades.

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They returned to Riverwood. There all of the former blades were waiting at the sleeping giant inn. They walked in, the inn was packed, Orgnar, the hell Delphine, who are all these old coots. Esbern, these old coots, as you put it are some of my former blade friends. Meanwhile, one of the groups who was going to different camps returned to the embassy and found it destroyed. She said "by the 8, please tell me that Mistress elenwyn is alive, she made her way to eleven's office, and she said "no... no... this can't be.

A male thalmor justicier said, "yes it can and it has. I asked one of the guards who just died, it was a group of 5000 men and women. We must leave Skyrim, and come back with reinforcements. Come let us gather the remainder of our troops. we must warn the thalmor in Bruma and Cyrodill back in Riverwood, everyone that could be gathered in Delphine's hidden base. Basement. The throng was so big however, the throng had to be moved to Lakeview manner. All of the 500 men and women were held, and they turned the manner into an encampment. Jarken, except for certain things everything I have I am willing to share. Those things being you may look in my greenhouse as much as you want but please do not touch, for most of the items I have in there are rare.

That is my only caveat regarding my greenhouse, there is only one exception, my love Ro'sera you are allowed to use my greenhouse, but use it sparingly may use my forge. I'm sure your swords are dull and are in need of repair. Other rules. If you're going to the balcony to drink don't play roof slide, that's a 2 story drop. And don't leave your bear and mead bottle strung about. Nobody here is a wench, nobody here is a servant. I hope I have made myself clear on this fact. Esbern, please put your drinks bottles in these barrels. They can be repurposed into glass armor. Once they knew what their objective was. They march back into solitude.

They marched to the blue palace all 7200 people. Jarl elecif the fair was disturbed at their occupation of her palace, "who are you. Why have you come? She demanded. Ro'sera, "watch your tongue you are talking to the future emperor of Tamriel she laughed, Please, everyone knows the Medes are the rules of Tamriel. Venriss poisonVein said "hush your mouth woman, lest I cut your tongue out, and let the rats eat it.

She screame, "by the 8 you... you took one of the shadow scales on. But they were part of of the thalmor embassy workforce. Ro'sera, were is the operative word. When he found out that the thalmor lied about the hist, that they poisoned it just to get the argonians on their side. Elenwyn told Venress poison vein, that is what the alter did to gain their allies, and they tricked the Kajiit into joining by making it look like the moons had disappeared, through a total eclipse. Which was caused by a spell on the thalmor's behalf. He removed his breastplate, showing his birthmark. She spat, "by the nine, you really are a member of the septim dynasty. Ro'sera, well at least you came to your senses, and we don't have to hurt you. Elicif, I remember hearing that the last of the Septims had died 5 years go at the border between Skyrim and Cyrodill. That was a ly, those were my mother and father. Elicif, I am sorry, I really thought the thalmor had our best interests in mind when they made the white gold concorded.

Ralof, those damn elves have nobody's Interest in mind but themselves. Elicif, I didn't want to believe it. I knew it to be true, but I didn't want to believe it. Ro'sera, for someone who knows there is wrong being done, and will not admit it to themselves, they are not only lying to themselves, but they are as much a part of the problem as they are.

She gulped, I... I know. But I did not think that I could do it, because I was told that the imperial army was working with them and that they are one and the same. Jarkin "No, that is a bold faced lie, Ro'sera, you're not helping. Ro'sera, I thought Nords were supposed to be Harty and strong. She seams prissy and weak. Like a milk drinker. Jarkin, "put yourself in her shoes. Had you lost your husband to an imperial dissident, would you feel much like fighting for the truth?

Ro'sera sighed, "no, of that you are correct, hand it been you and I instead of her and high king Toreig, I would not feel like fighting for the truth, I would have given up, which is now what she has been doing. "Listen Jarl Elicif, I apologize for my harsh criticism of you. Had our roles been reversed, I wouldn't much feel like fighting for the truth either. Elicif "thank you, that means a lot from the future empress of Tamrael. I'm sorry about how the thalmor killed your guide wolf when they captured you. I heard how you raised it up from a puppy and trained it to guide you through harsh environments. I don't think had I been born blind, I could do half as well as you do,.

Ro'sera, Thank you. This means a lot. It is hard being a warrior who has no eyesight. I've bested many a bandit who thought they could best me, but when I was captured by the Thalmor, I really thought, "this is it... this... is... it, they have just killed my wolf guide dog that I raised from a puppy, and now, now they are going to kill me after a long and drawn out torture and interrogation session. And if I don't succumb to the beatins, a and the whipping, and the injections of frostbite spider venom, then when they got what they wanted or needed out of me, I will be lead to the chopping block, or to the firing squad.

But then my man came along, and he saved me. And I love him for it. Jarkin kissed her on the forehead. "You two need to make your way to the temple of Mara and hurry up and get married. Ro'sera said " we agreed, not until we reach Cyrodill, and he takes the throne from those milk drinker called the Mede dynasty from their when he takes the throne for the first time.

Elicif "My goodness, so you're going to do it, you' going to take on the mede dynasty your going to need more than just 7500 soldiers.... General tullus is that you? He msiled, yes it it elicit. I have promised him all the warriors we have here in Skyrim. We've only brought the initial force because big moments of troops can cause suspicion. Elicif, "how true you are.after they left solitude, they went east to riftin. They made it to honor hall orphanage, where grilled the kind was giving the kids a lecture on how they will never be adopted.

He walks up. And says, you will allow me to adopt the children. She spat at him and said "you don't want the little gutter snipe. Their worthless, they've been worthless since the day they've been morn, and they will always be worthless. Ro'sera you say the word worthless about those kids one more freaking time and I will beat you senseless. Grilled spat , you ain't got the balls girly. Rouser picked grellod up and flung her into the fireplace. She caught fire.

And she died. I walked up to the other orphanage worker and said "I'd like to adopt all of these children.

She said "please don't hurt me, OK, you can have them. I said " come along children, I will be your new father. He told the kids that they were to wait at Lakeview manner. And that they were to mete their site Lucia they took the kids to the outskirts of town and told the carriage driver to take them to Lakeview manner, and to keep them safe. They found their way to the thieves guild, and the thieves guild realized that they were outnumbered. Mercer frey said he would do as he was told and work for the rightful heir to the throne. That night while he slumbered he woke up with a start. It wasn't the former female dark brotherhood member who was waiting for him, she lay dead on the floor

In her place stood Cicero . The jester assassin. Cicero, "you have done this deed for a reason yes. You wish to talk to Cicero since cicero is now the head of the dark brotherhood after killing that bitch Astrid. Your no Meer man, no, you're the one they call ehe dragonborn. Your the one who we've been watching. Yes ha ha yes. And you want us to Ade you along with the thieves guild so the thalmor can't hire us. Well this is interesting the night mother had told us there was a contract against you. But we can't fulfill a contract against someone who wishes to hire us. Hoo hoo hoo! I love it. But the night mother she thinks that we should take your side. Because the talmor they are on their way out.

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