Chapter 6, from Bruma to Cyrodill,

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they stopped at bruma, where they were met by a thalmor ambush, Kagnarius, we need not concern ourselves with these thalmor scum. They launched their mechanical minions, and the thalmor ambush was taken are of in mere seconds.the people of bruma cheared, thank you, but we thought the dimer were gone from this plane Kaganarak, we were, but thanks to my brother we're back and ready to assist this young man right here the rightful heir to the throne and the amulet of kings. Ro'sera, how high up are we off the ground. Kagnarius, 60 feet. Ro'sera, Shit

They stopped the horse long enough to fill it with supplies like meat, and mead, and alchemy supplies. Meanwhile Kagnarius had created enough copies of his new communications device called the Raddiophonotoron it use long wave radio signals to send audio and video transmissions to up to 200 mile radius. And we are currently traveling at 1 mile an hour. And it will take us 24 to 30 hours to get to the white gold city. They found a courier, and said "thake these to all the gals of skyrim, make sure that only they get them. As to make sure no thalmor get their hands on any of them.

A platoon of the imperial guard in Bruma decided they would assist the courier on making his rounds. Their first stop was falkreeth, then whiterun, then markarth, and eventually every jarl will have on the kids were being taken care of by Lydia. In their joint room. I made a concerted effort to spend at least some time with them every day I walked up to them they all yelled papa. They took turns hugging him. Hey, how are you guys and girls doing? Lucia, I'm glad to be away from braith, she's a big meany. I said Lucia, you won't have to deal with her anymore. however, there will always be meanies in our lives.

She sighed, Yes papa. So what do you think of your new mama. All the kids liked Ro'sera. Lydia, "you picked a woman who's blind as your wife. I said "do you have a problem with blind people? Lydia, No... No.. I just don't know what you see in her. I said "I see in her some things I don't see in you, in case you haven't noticed I don't have the best eyesight myself from birth. Lydia, wait you aren't fully sighted? I said, "No, and I never showed any presence that I could.

Lydia, I... I see. I said, Look, I appreciate all you've done, but if you wish, when we get to Cyrodil's White gold city. I will relieve you of your oath, and you can be a free woman, to live your life. Without having t cary my burdens. If I have upset you I greatly apologize, but I have always looked for someone like me when it comes to eyesight.

She sighed, I know you didn't mean to hurt my feelings, I just thought that we would get married together. I should have asked you what your plans for marriage were. And its not like she's a shrew, she's a very nice lady, unless you piss her off or hurt her dog. She does have a thing for dogs. I asked, is this why you have been so quiet these passed few weeks since she and I got engaged?

She said "yes, I know it was silly. I stopped her right their, "No your dreams aren't silly your dreams are your dreams, have you never heard the expression never mix business with pleasure. She said "No, I said, "since we have worked so close together its like a relationship between co-workers. She said, "I get what your saying had we gotten married and since we spend so much time together, you think I might have nitpicked every little thing that I didn't like. Like your drinking, and you are right, I might have.

Thank you for explaining it. I know when you would kind of nudge me out of the way or jump over me I would get upset with you, I do not have the best of tempers, I am quite short tempered. Just then an imperial soldier walked in, "sir, we are approaching the city, we can see it in the distance. Then he turned and saw Lydia, Hi, he said. "Hi back at you she said, "he said "would you like to join me for a bottle of mead. She said "love to but I have these kids to take care of. He said, well, I so happen to have the bottles with me. I hugged my children and said "see you next time I get a chance.

I found Wak wak, "hey, buddy, I need you to take care of my children. Wak Wak Yes, Me take care of you kids, I told Lydia, "Go and have fun, Wak Wak can take over for awhile. She said, "thank you Wak wak. And her and the soldier linked arms and headed for a private spot. Ro'sera, "where's Lydia. With a man who is an imposter, claiming to be an imperial soldier. He may try to kill her with poison mead. They found her with the man, Ro'sera, that man is not an imperial officer, and that mead is poisoned. Lydia, took a sniff, "oh, this mead smells awful. She smashed thee bottle on his head, and his spell disappeared, and it showed a high elf in thalmor armor.

Lydia, "thank you for saving my life. Ro'sera, I know my Fiancé didn't tell you he was going to propose to me, and how you were hurt that he didn't choose you, I just hope there is no hard feeling, you have served my Fiancé well these past two years. Tears welled up in Lydias face, "thank you, thank you you don't know how much that means to me. Ro'sera continued and I want you to continue what you were doing with the children, you've been nice to them, more than you have any right to be, after he decided not to Mary you, but that's the kind of person you are, you're a giving person, and I appreciate all your hard work, you will have a special place in the court once my husband becomes emperor, You will be our Stewart. Lydia, a promotion then? I replied, yes.

Lydia, I am not deserving of this, in my mind I was angry at you, I tried not to let it show. Ro'sera, at least you're honest, which is hard to find. And that tells me you are deserving of this promotion. Ro'sera pulled out a handkerchief out of her inventory. "here, dry those eyes. And blow your nose. Lydia smiled, I thank you for all you have done, ro'sera, hey, you do our kids justice even if they are adopted. Actually I don't care if they're adopted, I'm going to love them as if I had birthed them myself.

They went to the front compartment. Lydia, dead ahead is the imperial city, the white gold city. And at the center is the white gold Concorde is as well as those traitors the mede dynasty. Giving into the thalmor like that. That's pathetic, Ro'sera, of course its pathetic, they aren't men their milk drinkers. They made their way to the army compartment, with his chest plate off, and about 50 of the men went blind because they were thalmor spies. He said "those people who screamed that their blind are spies for the thalmor and are to be killed.

They were, and their bodies were placed in the incinerator

The time was 8 O'clock, and they had just reached the city gates. And it was time to plan the attack. Everyone slept early as to be ready for the attack.they sent the dwarves robots out into the city to find the thalmor embassy, and destroy it, and take as many casualties as possible. Two hours later, they came back job completed. They came back and plugged themselves in and showed a recording of how they destroyed the embassy one unit had not come back, it was searching for those thalmor who were not at the embassy, who were drinking. They found them drunkenly staggering back to the embassy and killed them, then returned.

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