Chapter 9, the end of the white gold concordat

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Guards escorted her to the meeting room, blades by the emperor's side Asia to say, "Pull anything and we'll snap your neck lie a twig. The queen thought better than to try and go after the emperor, her spies had been bested, blinded, her embassies sieged and distorted. Her ally nations had betrayed her, when they found out they joined due to the thalmor's medaling in their affairs, and then saying oh here let us heal the hist, or let us bring back master and secunda, their lies had caught up to them.

And the redguards resented being under their juris diction. They hated the altmer. With a passion, a hatred so deep that the Meer sight of a thalmor patrol sent their men into fits of anger until the only way to relieve their pain, their anguish waste drink themselves into a sunken stupor. They new that the regard wouldn't let the high elves rule them like they wanted to. Because they knew that the regard would rise up Ro'sera stood behind the queen her hot breath down the queen's back, "when my husband offered you this treaty, you had better take it. I have been given the go-ahead to kill you should you decide not to take our generous offer. And then we'll just take over the superset Aisle anyway. And what you do here and now determine what happens to all of those soldiers in our prison.

The queen gulped, "what... what do you mean? Ro'sera replied, if you die, the war is over, and they become wards of the state with which we can do what we like. However, you sign that treaty like a good little high elf, and they go home safe and sound to their loved ones we don't turn you into a slave race, you just become part of our country.

That means you would no longer be queen, you would be a governess. She turned and looked Ro'sera square in the eyes, she said "You're not playing around are you. Ro'sera, give me a reason to slit your throat, it will be a privilege trend you as your son did my grandmother. And it was I who killed him after he shocked her with electricity magic while she slept. SHE RAISED ME BITCH no bitch is to good of a word for you, because it would be an insult to female dogs.

You're a cunt. You always have been, and you always will be. I replied, "Honey that's enough, the queen is sufficiently scared of you. She is sweating. Ro'sera backed off, I said, this peace treaty is non negotiable. The conditions are as follow.

All thalmor embassies will be shut downAll alcohol will be taxed 13%Every month there will be a tribute of 1000000 sent to us these tributes can consist of GoldFoodWeaponsarmorAll of the aboveAll thalmor owned former empire states will be returned to us, The psijic order will move to mainland tamrielThe thalmor political party will disbandThe worship of evil Daedra such as molar ba is outlawedYou WILL worship my ancestor Tallos All thalmor torturers will be put to deathThe dwemmer will be keeping an I on your nation through surprise unmanned vehicle inspectionsYou will worship all of the DevinesYou will pay reparations for each innocent you killed to their family.There will be terrif on all goods produced in the superset isle. You will change your flags to that of the empire your able children will join the army, no exceptions. Your people will pay taxes to the empire12% income tax,16% property tax9% sales taxYou will teach our soldiers destruction magicYou will step down as queen, The crystal tower is to be torn downThe crystals that were used to make the tower are to be shipped to usWhere we will build monuments out of it to the previous septims who died. Your names shall be changed to , because a race have committed more atrocities in the name of conquest than anyone before,LyingCheatingStealingMurderTortureThe use of black soul gemsForcing innocents to take the blame for things they haven't done.If you want to do anything you must ask for permission for the crownAnd finally, you r men will be releasedWe will curb the riots your province

This is the crystal tower concordat

She did not agree with all conditions of the peace treaty, but what could se do, if she refused they would kill her and they would make the high elves a slave race for the next however years. She knew her subjects wouldn't like this, but they would like being slaves less. She reluctantly signed the crystal tower concordat ending their tyranny. And she and all themes that were in prison left, but she said "let us take our loyal subjects the medes, you needn't concern yourself with them. They joined the thalmor.

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