Chapter 5, the meeting with the Jarls. And heading to Bruma.

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They returned to Lakeview maner, and the jarls were already their. I showed them my birthmark. There was murmering, gasping, and talking. Jarl balgfruff, "in the name of Talos you're a septim? They talked for a little bit more. He walked up to Jarl Laila Law-giver. She said "by the nine. You Mohave the birthmark. Where is ulfric, Ralof, ulfric is dead, he tried to kill our future emperor. She sighed, "that boy was more concerned about his quest then the actual fate of skyrim.

She then asked, "why are the dark brotherhood here as well as the thieves guild. I said that if they wished to continue operations that they would help us with our quest just then there was a banging at the door, it was maven black-briar. How dare you not invite me. Ralof and general tulles held her back, "what she said the thieves guild, here, no, not the dark. Brotherhood too. He said Jarl Laila, your so called friend maven is mistreating you. She is telling you that she's trying o get rid of the thieves guild, but, she's actually been working with them and the dark brotherhood. Laila, "Maven, I thought you were my friend, I thought you were a law abiding citizen.

Take her away. Just then Sibbi, Ingun, and hemming appeared. Hemming mother. Your rein of terror is over. I looked at cicero and said "You know what to do. Cicero walked up and snapped her neck, Laila, "we are taking away the meadery from the black briar family. And putting it in the control of the state. And we're lowering the prices. Now guards, take hemming to a cell in Sibbi's place. Ingun "please dark brotherhood guild master, allow keto join your guild. I am really good at making poisons.

Sisero, alright, but that man who just asked me to kill your mother is the one who's hiring us. Ingun, "I should be upset with him, but he made it so I can see my dram come true. Jarkin, "you are welcome. Your mother had countless people beat up and killed. Sibbi, I know, she put us in our place if we fell out of line, even a little. That's why I have spent the last 8 months in jail. And now my brother is in that huge prison of mine.

I asked him, will you give up your life of luxury and join our army. He said "Yes sir. I said "then join our army. They made their way to the rest of the encampments. And collected the other non thalmor imperial army members. And they marched to bruma. Half way to bruma, they encountered a thalmor platoon and the leader of the thalmor platoon leader. Eldridge everhart said "General Tulles your working with these dissidents? Tullius, I'm here working with the true hear to the septim dynasty. I revealed my birthmark,

All of the thalmor were afraid, "No it can't be Tullius, "It can be eldritch now let us through, we have you outnumber 25 to once Eldritch "that would be the case if we didn't have the second platoon with us lead by My brother Evan Everhart. How has other 1000 soldiers

Which brings the total # of thalmor soldiers to 2000 Tullius, that only brings down our chances by a tiny bit. It makes our people out number yours 15:1

You only have a 7% chance of victory. They said then our men shall die with honor defending our empire and the altmery dominion. The battle was short but brutal. There were no casualties on the winning side which was Jarkin's but there were no survivors of the 2 thalmor platoons, the thieves guild looted their bodies. And their fence sold the loot and gave 90% of the profit to Ro'sera who kept the money in her coin purse, in a second pocket as to not mix the two moneys. Ro'sera, "this money seams a bit light. I guess you don't want your 15% commission on looting those corpses. Meeecer correct your guild mate or I will.

Mercer, I don't have to take shit from you. All of the other members of the army turned on the thieves guild. I snapped my fingers and the Riftin thieves guild was extinguishes. Jezargo who was about to pickpocket Ro'sera saw how the army turned on Mercer and killed his whole faction. Jezargo gulped and stepped back, not wanting to end up like the riften thieves guild.

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