Chapter 8, the Zeppelin is visible

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As the days past, more and more races came who were tired of the Thalmor's crap. The wood elves, and the dark elves each sent 2.5 million of each of their soldiers to aid the empire.the imperial legion was called back to the imperial city. And imperials came pouring in in droves. Our numbers were bolstered from 62.5 million to 256 million. The people of the city tremor in fear at the approaching zeppelin .

I say, if we wed together, we will drive back the thalmor. As a flaming arrow wizzes past his head, he removes his chest plate and shows his birth mark, the archer screams, "I'm blind, and stabs hmself in the stomach with a dagger.meanwhile the curtains catch fire I freeze the curtains so the fire is extinguished, luckily the fire did not spread too far. I froze the wood on the doorway which put out the fire.

Finally the day had come when the thalmor Zeppelin loomed large in the sky, they landed at the city gates. The dwemmer spiders and spheres stood at each gate, and centurions stood at the palace gates. When the kajiit aboard the Zeppelin saw their brethren at the aid of the empire, they knew they were on the wrong side, same with the argonians. And the regards of southern hammerfell. When they landed, they let the regards and the beast races go first as cannon fodder

however, upon entering the city they betrayed the thalmor and stood by their brethren, the thalmor knew they had been betrayed, and were going to take oft get more troops, a spear popped the balloon that carried the gondola a great explosion sounded I pointed to the general mass of former thalmor supporters left their ranks. Heading to cyrodill, the general was taken to the emperor I smacked him hard across the face and said "the white gold concordat is over. He spat at me and said, "to the last we will fight to make sure that never happens, where is titus. I exclaimed, UP YOUR ASS AND AROUND THE CORNER! I used bend will on him and it worked. I said "lick my boots" and he did. I said "get them nice and clean now, he said "yes master. The other thamor stood and watched in horror as their greatest general was a boot licker. I said "Lidia, bring me the white bottle.I told him " stand up, he did, the shout was wearing off.

I used it again, and said "put this dress on! Meanwhile a courier handed the queen of the high elves a radiophonotron and she turned it on to se her general being forced to lick the upstart emperor's boots. Then he used a shout on the general and said "put on this dress now look at your queen through this device and say "I'm a pretty princess. She spat, "they have turned my general into a buffoon, he'll do whatever that man tells him as long as he uses that accursed dragon shout.

Then the pretender as she called him took a knife and stabbed the general in the croci, and poured the white bottle on top of the wound, the general screamed in pain, he said "queen, if you don't revoke the white gold concodat, your nation WILL BE PART OF THE EMPIRE as well as conceded a slave race for the next 5 centuries. Ou can't win, both aedra and the morally good Daedra have forsaken you.

As he said this all of their temples crumbled you have 24 hours to release all of your argonian, Kajiit, and regard soldiers to us before these beings pour out their wrath on you. She walked up to an alter of mara, and said "Mother of love and mercy please forgive us, at these words the alter destroyed itself, along with all the alters in the palace. I said, " remember you have 24 hours have taken your airship schematics and the dwemmer whom we have brought back to turn have gracefully offered to reverse e4ngineer it. Which they have successfully done and have now created a fleet of unmanned zeppelins to pick up those people whom we have requested, as well as any prisoners of war? Like Thorald Greymane

She said, "release our beastfok and regard conscriptions, as well as our prisoners of war. we... surrender, 24 hours later thequeen and all of the former soldiers were aboard the meanwhile I and Ro'sera were finally wed. The thalmor who had survived the distraction of the zeppelin were placed in prison. He went down and spoke to the Medes, "I'm here to make you an offer, if you promise to never take back Tamriel for yourself, I will give you my old home in skyrim, Lakeview Manor, as well as a 10000 credit stipend per month. For you and your children and your children children. Its this or... well spend the rest of your life in the dungeon never being able to procreate. Titus spat in his face, "I'd rather die than take charity from you. I mopped my brow and said "Ok I was trying to be nice, fuck it, you have sentensed your family to life in prison, and your children are to be in honor hall orphanage in skyrim. Their son punched me in the stomach, "Make that an orphanage in elsewyr maybe the heat will temper your child's anger. Children are to be seen and not heard or felt in adult conversations brat. His mother said "Plese don't send my son off, My husband is a fool, my son and I will take that stipend, its more then we deserve, we've had a good run as emperor, and empress, Titus said "your right dear, and I didn't do my best when it came to leading this nation. And my father was a coward who gave in to the thalmor. I said I shouldn't do this after your son punched me in the stomach, but I will give you 100000 gold a month. For as long as you bare offspring, and your lineage is  continued.

We will also send you with bodyguards because the wilderness of Skyrim is treacherous. Here is your first stipend of gold. YOur bodyguards will be waiting for you at the entrance, and yes, they are dwemmer robots. So they don't need fed or taken care of, eventually we hope to have your home guarded by living bodyguards but I need all my men. Just then the ships landed, There were reunions of brothers who had chosen different paths, or not spoken in years. And finally the queen of the summers Aisle 

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