Chapter 7, attack at midnight,

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everyone met in the dwemmer war room, with a map of the imperial city. I noticed the map was no normal map, because it glowed as if it was using bioluminescent paper It was a few minutes later that we discovered that the dweller had launched what they called satellites into orbit, which could give them a 3d view of the city, because 2d map of the city turned into a 1/100th scale 3d map. General tulles spoke,

Listen up we aim to take the city before dawn's early light. And thrust the meeds out of the tower on their asses. Let no more a mede reign in the white gold tower, and let the dragonflies be lit once again to insure that we will not have a repeat of the last 200 years. May the scholars write of our dees and may the bards sing of them. For the age of oppression is over.

Honestly I never thought I would see this day. I thought we would be ruled by buffoons

We will be divided into 3 teams. Just then they heard a loud boom, coming from the door. It was more imperial. soldiers. General tulles, ah hello men. Whom do you serve, that fake emperor puppet that the thalmor sent, or this young man, the true heir to the septim dynasty. I flashed my birthmark none of them were spies. They mumbled we were told the last of the septim dynasty had died.

I said, "that's what the thalmor wanted you to think so you would lose all hope. Ralof, Damn thalmor poncey little milk drinkers all, I'll be glad when they are gone along with that damned white gold Concordet. They left the transport, and they were surrounded by 800000 more loyal soldiers. They stormed the city. Team 3 containing Jarkin Ro'sera, and the blades, were the last to enter the city, but entered the closest gate to the castle. The porter shouted, "11 bells and we're under attack. One of the soldiers shushed him and handed him 1000 septims to keep quiet.

He left, and went home.they knocked out the guards guarding the castle. The Medes were still sleeping hard, and so they moved them from their beds to a prison cell. As he walked by the dragon lights lit up for the first time in over 200 years. The blades checked the castle for traps or thinks that could kill the new emperor Esbern, castle is secured, meanwhile word got to elswyr and black marsh heard about the way the thalmor used them, and broke of ties with the alter. They each sent 60000 soldiers that very day the capital of Cyrodill was taken, two groups of soldiers had appeared waving the imperial flag instead of the aldmeri dominion flag.

Their leader roho said, we ave broken ties with the high elves, and so have the argonians. Inigo, "Brother, how is the homeland. Roho, good brother, I see you have become a member in this one's army pointing at Jarkin,

Inigo, yes he got me out of prison. He is a great ally and a greater friend. The shadow scales met up with Fendris and they two talked. Form their they prepared for the thalmor. To come. I found the white gold Concordet he read it I said "this is stupid. I stood up, in the tower of the capital city, I said "people of Tamriel, I am your new emperor Jarkin septim, for far to long this Nation has been ran by idiots and cowards. My predecessor is in the jail. Downstairs.

We have been licking the boots of the aldmery dominion for too, too long. We as a nation have been taking it up the ass for more than a century. And there are no concessions for us. Its do what we say or risk being taken over by the alter, we have weakened their forces thanks to a treaty signed by the Kajiit and the argonians that they will no longer serve the altmer, instead they will join the empire and raise our number,

Just then a large mass of Kajiit and argonian forces came and said "we are here to serve and protect, to aid the emperor in revoking the white gold concordat. 1 third of the army was their from each province, and other bunch of people the redguarda from hammer fell "we no longer wish to be a part of the altmery communion. We want to be a part of Tamriel where we belong. All together we had gone from an army of a few hundred thousand to an army of 60 million.

They all shouted Hale emperor Jarkin septim, hale the new ruler of Tamriel.

We set all of the imperial blacksmiths t work making weapons, armor, and tools, we set the alchemists to work making potions and poisons alike. We contracted with the fighters guild, the mages guild, and the thieves guild as well as cyrodill's dark brotherhood. Which bolstered our forces even all of the robots inside the transport added an extra 50000 weapons, and the transport itself had weapons, automated crossbow, and cannons more and more popping from its back, and the largest cannon in order to celebrate a huge success of the taking of the city with as few casualties as possible shot out fireworks which pleased and awed the crowd.

One of the soldiers said "this just in from southern Hammerfell, the thalmor ships hand docked at Hew's bane, which is 800 miles away. There are 25 ships each carrying a maximum capacity of 15000 which is 375 thousand. They only travel from 8 to 6. That's only 30 miles per day they should arrive in 27 days, unless they have a new weapon or mode of transportation that we do not know about. Which was true the thalmor did have a mode of transport the empire didn't know about a zeppelinwhigh granted them 50 miles per day

Which meant they would reach the imperial city in 16 days. A spy working for the empire who was a light skinned wood elf snuck out onto the balcony, and called his bird companion out of his cage. He said, alright Hagra, take this to the imperial city and let them know we're coming ahead of schedule. He tied the letter to the birds leg, the crow Dedra given to him by Nocturnal herself, the crow Daedra land aon the balcony that day, wile rouser as out getting oof fresh air.

The bird spork, "the thalmor are coming by zeppelin, and it will that the 16. Days to get here, she untied the paper from the bird leg, and handed it to general tullius. He said their coming 11 days super than we've planned I have to warn the soldiers of what was planned to tell the guards to seep an eye out for the sky for zeppelins  

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