Chapter 3, the storming of the thalmor embassy

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Now our numbers had grown. Where once we were an army of hundreds, we are now an army of thousands. If not tens of thousands. We were heading to the city of solitude when we saw the general, and his 3 helpers patrolling a nearby camp. He said "If it weren't for the damned whit gold Concord, we wouldn't have to take orders from the freaking elves.

I and my army walked up to him and said, how would you like a chance to have a life without the thalmor up in your proverbial rear ends?

He said "Normally I'd say your speaking treason, and I'd kill you, however, I'm feeling especially hateful towards them. I smiled, I showed him my birthmark, "by the nine you are not only the Dragonborn, but you're a dependent of the emperors of old. From the septim dynasty, My Liege. Give the command and the entire imperial army will be at your fingertips. I asked whom do you serve? General Tullius bowed and said I serve only the true emperors of Skyrim the septim dynasty. The meeds are false emperors Ro'sera, you better not betray my man, or when we get to cyrodill you will be in the dungeon along with that thalmor bitch. Elenwyn

The general gulped, yes ma'am, I won't ma'am you don't have to worry ma'am, Ro'sera stop calling me ma'am my name Is Ro'sera, and your future empires to you get what I'm saying.I told her "honey you don't want him to be scared shitless, let him do his job. He won't let us down.

Ro'sera "Your right, sorry general, I just want my man to see his dreams become a reality. And I won't let anyone stop them that's why when ulfric tried to kill Jarkin, well I took action. General Tulles "so the war is over? Thank God, the war is over, the storm cloaks are now being folded into your army. And now we head to the thalmor embassy. I asked, do you know where we can get enough horses for this many people, or at least for us higher-ranked individuals?

Besides, we need to make a pit stop at Markarth. General, what's there, rouser, my new guide dog.

They made their way to markarth, they found the woman that Olava spoke of. She was in the warrant along with her dogs, and its puppy. Ro'sera walked in. She said "I am in the final stages of ataxia. My dog is ill, and her puppy is living on only scraps. Ro'serea grabbed some horker loaf and fed it to the puppy. It ate the worker loaf voraciously. Ro'sera, your a hungry little boy aren't ya. yes. She pulled out some raw venison and the puppy tore that raw venison up. It ate the whole thing and was chewing on the bone. It dropped the bone and let out a satisfied belch. She said "OK, I think I'll call you Brodis II

The puppy sensing she was totally blind, allowed itself to be leashed as if from nowhere the spirit of her former guide wolf appeared and passed on its knowledge Brotis the second yipped and moved on, he leads ro-sera out of the city. She got on her horse and said "I'm ready, Brodis II come. It jumped into her lab, and since it was still rather small, it was able to fit in her saddlebag with his head popping out, he licked her profusely. Rouser pulled out an old weapon her wolf used. It was a double-bladed dagger with a mouthguard. With a third fan-shaped blade in the center.

The little dog bear was just big enough that it could hold the dagger handle in its mouth. Outside of the city, there was a swordsmanship dummy, that they practiced on when there was no dummy, the dog would practice on bandits. And by the time they made it to solitude, it could lunch high enough to decapitate its foe. They walked into the door of the city. And made their way to the embassy.

The guard stayed away from the massing throng. I told them, do not to attack the workers there that aren't thalmor, tell them to flee. They made their way to the embassy, and Ro'sera lopped the standing guard's head that. and Brodis II killed the other one. General Tullius "Damn like a dog like a mistress. Once the guards were removed, they made their way through the first building. They had a female kajiit join their party. Inigo. Told her about how the thalmor had lied to the Kajiit saying, that they had killed the last of the septim dynasty. She replied, so one yet lives. Jezargo "yes. I say its time we share the news with our fellow beast men, the thalmor no longer deserves the loyalty of kajiit or argonian. They found an argonian shadow scale, Inigo "my scale friend, put down your weapon, wish to speak, tell you a lie perpetrated on both kajiit and Argonian. The shadow scale named Fendriss poisonvein "really, by whom? Jizargo "your employer. He said "the thalmor, but why? Inigo, why do you think perpetuates the existence of the white gold concorded? The only reason we kajiit came to join the alt merry dominion was that we thought that they had brought back masser and seconda, if they lied about the hair to the septim dynasty, why wouldn't they lie and use a spell to cause a massive multi-night eclipse to make us think master and seconda had disappeared.

Fendriss "and if they did that to you, what would they have done to us to trick us into being their loyal dominion members? Not that I don't believe you, but I must find out for myself

Inigo, I wouldn't have it any other way. He temporarily joined the army. And by the time all of the other people had been cleared out of the first building, they were ready for the next building. They finally make it to elenwen, "she says, if you all head back to your homes, there will be no charges filed against you. Fendriss "did you lie to us about the last of the dynasty? She smiled, "of course, I did you beast folk are so easily persuaded, our mages made the hist tree look like it was dying because one of our men poisoned it. We made it look like master and second had disappeared by causing a couple of lunar eclipses.

Jarkin "and you killed my grandfather. Saying after the revealed his mark, "No, you... how can this be? We thought we eliminated all the septims. I say wrong, as I shove my sword into her throat.  

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