The Legend

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"Thousands of years ago,
in a kingdom named Zelpania,
there once was a King named Odin,
Whose wife was named Anastasia.
Once, She was taking a morning stroll,
Thus, she discovered a jewel in the snow,
But when she held it,
It started to glow,
She threw it into an ocean.
but then,
the jewel was never, ever seen again."
"Hundreds of years later
When the air was nice and cool,
Three powerful dragons discovered the jewel!
They pledged to protect it no matter the cost.
Yet fighting for the jewel their lives they lost.
Then the dragons, when they were dead,
Poured their souls into the jewel
So if you take the jewel out of the cave you give the dragons a chance to live again,
So do take heed; all of you,
And do not touch Anastasia's jewel!"

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