Chapter 25

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She's gonna pass me! Slow down Crystal!

"Why you gotta be so fast!?!"

"Am I fast?" She teased, "or maybe... you're just slow!"

Did she just say that?!?! Me? Slow? Pffft.

"You got some nerve, Swiftwing."
Summer answered. She was swimming fast. Like, really fast. It's like she just got a speed burst.!

"You guys gotta slow down! You don't wanna hurt your little wings do you?"  I snicker, zooming past  Crystal.

At this point, we're all tied. Well, almost tied. I'm a little behind them. Crystal, fine, but Summer? How the heck did I get behind Summer!?!?


rystal and I crash land on a sea stack, in front of the check point. That big aura light looking thing was infront of us, and all Crystal wanted to do was.....brag.

"Oh yeah! I won!" Crystal boasts whacking my side with her tail. I HATE it when she wins. Why? Because I never hear the end of it!

"Actually Crystal, I won." Summer snarled, flying out of the water and onto the sea stack.

"No I-"

"We can deal with this later, guys."

"Crystal, Winger's right-"

"About what? Winning? If so, remind him of what just went down!"


"Oh sorry, but a dragon's gotta have fun, even a whooping some bu—"


"Yeah, I'm gonna stop talking now..."

We walk through the checkpoint, but to no avail. There is no wayno 'next checkpoint' just like how you walk through a rainbow and it disappears. Which means....

"This was the fake one!" Crystal exclaims.

"I REALISE THAT NOW!" I yell. "I could've sworn that it was right here!"

"Darn it!" Summer hollers. "Shut it ya big babies! I'm the one that has it bad! I have to give my lunch to Cutter!"

"Oh, that's pretty tough. Last time I did that-"

"Flying now, stories later, Crystal. "  Summer states. "We still have to fly alllllllll the way back!"

"I DON'T WANNA FLY RIGHT NOW!!!" Crystal and I complain.

"Well, does it look like we have a choice!?!?"

No matter how much I want to deny it, Summer's right. We have to fly all the way back!


"My wings are tired, I haven't eaten in hours, I'm sleepy, I haven't eaten in hours,-"

"WINGER! COMPLAINING WON'T DO ANYTHING! We've been flying for two hours, and all you've done is complain!" Summer roars, squirting me with water.

"I wasn't complaining! I was stating facts!"

Crystal starts to do loops in the air saying,
"OHHHHHHHHHHH he got you there Summer!"


"Hey look!" I yell, "the glass sea stack! Oooo! Everyone else is here too!
I see them waving at us in the distance! C'mon guys!"

Crystal flew ahead of me.
"Says the one who was complaining a minute ago!"

We fly faster and faster, wanting to get to the others as soon as possible. I've never veen so anxious to leave those two, but boy! I had a rough day! Plus.....I sorta....kinda....miss Cutter. Only a little bit though!

When we arrive, we find everyone perching on the glass sea stack, waiting for us while eating fish! Delish!

As soon as she sees us land on the sea stack, she dashes over and wraps her arms around Summer's neck. "I missed you so much Sum!"

"Me too Leyla!" Summer replies, nuzzling Leyla with her snout.

Of course, since Leyla is so loud, Dak gets up from his food too.

He puts down his fish and starts running over to me.
"You're back!" He yells

"I'm glad I am."

"Hey everyone, they're back!"

The rest of the gang immediately jumps up from their food and comes to embrace us with their obvious statements like "Oh! Your back!" Or "Wow You guys really made it!" Okay, not gonna lie, that second one was only Cutter.

Everyone settled down and we got some fish! It was so cozy! For a second, you'd forget that you're not in a cave!
"So...?" Cutter asks.

"So what?" Summer replies giving him a puzzled look.

"Which way was right?" He mocks, knowing fully well which way was right.

"Yours..." She mumbles.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I can't hear you!"

"I SAID YOURS!" She roars stamping her foot.

"That means you guys were delusional! You were seeing things!"

"What if there was a reason we were seeing it and you weren't?" I snap back. Sass. The one thing I cannot deal with.

Crystal interrupts our feud.
"Speaking of seeing weird things..."
She gestures towards Summer's tail. "Ley, got anything about it?"

"Let me check." She opens the dragon diary and flips to a page called SIGNS AND SYMBOLS. Everyone went silent. The only sound heard was the waves crashing and the pages of the dragon diary fliping

"I don't see it in my diary...."

"What?" I say "Check a different section."

She nods her head in response and flips to another page called LEGENDS AND MYTHS; NORSE MYTHOLOGY.

She flips the pages looking at Summer's tail, then back at the book.
After a while she stops at a page.

"Summer, what exactly do you know about the legend and Crystal?"


Stay healthy, stay sweet, and...


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