Chapter 12

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Today, they set off on their adventure.
They packed their things, said their goodbyes and took off.

"So, what are we looking for again?" Burple asked.

"We're looking for The Wings of the Sky." Said Leyla

"What are The Wings of the Sky?" He responded.

"I...actually don't...know." She said frowning."I think we should land and figure this out before we start flying in circles."

"Now that I can agree with!" Sighed Cutter.

They landed, sat down, and started to think. After a while, Winger shouted.

"That's it!" Said Winger.
"Only dragons have the Wings of the Sky."

"True, but it won't make sense to put a jewel on a dragon." Aggro stated.

"That's why we're not going to put it on a dragon." Winger replied.
"I think we're supposed to put it on a statue of a dragon."

"But where are we supposed to find a statue of a dragon?" Asked Dak.

"What do you see about when you fly?" Questioned Winger.

"Clouds" said Leyla.

"Blue" said Dak.

"The Sun" Cutter replied.

"The sky" Crystal said.

"The sea" said Summer.

"Islands" said Aggro

"Mountains" said Burple.

"That's it!" Shouted Winger.

"I know." Burple responded. He leaned over to Winger and whispered, "What's it?"

"When you fly, you see the mountains, correct?" They all nodded.
"Since we are the 'Wings of the Sky', and when we fly we see mountains, it must be on a mountain!" Winger exclaimed.

"And how do we know you're right?" Said Aggro.

"Simple" Cutter replied."Back in the day before dragons, people used to call mountains the wings of the Sky."
Wait no, I'm wrong they called the highest mountain the wings of the sky, so to find the statue, we have to fly to the highest mountain!"

"Wow! I didn't know Cutter was smart." Aggro snapped back.

"Ouch." he replied.

They all started laughing and flew back into the sky.

"Wait-" said Summer."How are we supposed to find the highest mountain?"

"By following a light in the Sky that has the same colours of the jewel and says follow me?" Crystal guessed.

"I was talking to Winger" Summer said. "Anyways, how would you know?"

"By looking ahead."

Everyone looked in front of them and saw a big, bright, light.

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